Monday, 15 October 2012

Tooth Ache

Our poor little monkey.  He's having a bit of a rough time with this second tooth.  In the morning he made it almost the entire time with very little whines or fussing.  Then afternoon hit and boy did it ever.  The poor little man was so uncomfortable.  There were huge big tears and he worked himself up into another low fever.  We tried to distract him with favourite toys, even Phineus and Ferb on TV.  Actually that worked for a bit.  We gave him a nice cold teething ring which also helped a bit.  Mostly though it was Mommy and Daddy taking turns trying to comfort the little man.  He did take a couple solid naps that helped but it was a tough day for Declan.

In the evening we visited with Uncle Scott, Auntie T, Josh and Madison for a bit because Declan does well with a change of environment and he loves his family so we got some smiles finally.  He was good for just over an hour before he started getting fussy again.  Then it was pjs and bottle time.  Little sweetheart fell asleep before he could even finish half his bottle.  I think all the crying must have just tuckered him out.  Here's hoping he gets a good night's sleep so he can handle any discomfort tomorrow.

Poor little guy (although from the pictures you'd think he had a great day).

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