Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Baby Stealer

Declan is such a sweetie in the mornings.  He's still so happy to see us in the mornings and he plays very calmly and independantly.  This morning after his bottle he sat on the floor and played with his giant monkey for a while.  I just had to snap a picture of this sweet moment.

Close to noon, even though it was cool out, Declan and I ventured out for a walk for some fresh air.  Walked about 40 minutes, then stopped and Declan had Banada Vanilla Yogurt for lunch - Yummy - he loved it.  First time trying Yogurt - very successful.  Then we turned around and headed back for home.  When we arrived we went in through the garage as usual and just as I opened the garage door the door to the house flew open, Auntie T rushed out saying it's too cold outside for the baby and she snatched him up and ran inside.  BABY THIEF!  Too funny.  Now I just know he gets some of his nuttiness from her.  After I put the stroller away I checked in on Declan who was playing happily on the couch with his Aunt and Cousin Madison.  This kid is loved.

Forgot to mention yesterday that Declan was sitting and clicking his nail by picking at his tooth.  Could hear the oddest sound and then realized what the little man was doing.  Other odd sounds from his mouth - a mushy, squishy sound that we think is Declan pressing his tongue on his tooth.

Another thing I forgot to mention from yesterday was that Declan likes to play with the package of baby wipes because of the crinkly sound it makes.  I'll usually let him play with it a bit because it's harmless.  He was on the floor and I had gone into the other room to tell Tyler about something else Declan had done which gave Declan some alone time with the wipes and wouldn't you know it, he managed to open the package and help himself to a wipe to play with.  Rubbing it between his hands and tasting it.  Too bad he couldn't actually clean his hands or face while he was at it.

This evening Declan was laying on the floor about 1/2 hour before bed and I was laying down beside him giving him tickles.  Then Daddy came and laid down by Declan's other side.  Daddy was tired and kept closing his eyes which gave Declan great opportunity to grab at Daddy's hair, his nose, dig in his eye, grap his hair again and then finally kick him in the chin.  Daddy was a good sport and me....I was a great observer.  You go Declan!

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