Saturday, 27 October 2012

Birthday Cake

Grandpa Gale's Birthday is this coming Monday, October 29th but we celebrated it today. Declan hung out with Uncle Scott while I was out grabbing groceries. Then he cuddled with Grandma Gale while Auntie T and Grandpa started watching the Hamilton Ti-Cat game. When I got home from Groceries Declan had a yummy fruit and vegetable lunch.

During the halftime we had Birthday cake and presents.  Now Grandpa has a special type of cake for his Birthdays.  It is a homemade cake from scratch, and old family recipe with raspberry jam filling and fudge icing.  Very sweet.  So for kicks little Declan was cut a tiny peice so he could try.  Soon as the piece was in front of him he had both hands playing in it.  After some short examination he finally put some sticky, fudge fingers in his mouth.

The verdict?

He then grabbed the cake with both hands and tried to pick it up.  Seems he liked it.  He managed to eat a little bit of the cake and a fair bit of icing.  Declan sure is getting more interested in the idea of solid food.

After the game we all went out to The Works in Oakville for dinner. Declan sat in the restaurant high chair.  He looked so little but he also looked like such a little boy sitting up proud in his button down shirt. He is such a good little guy. So fuss, no cries just smiles all around.  After we ordered the little guy had his dinner: broccoli and rice followed up with a little berry mixture. Then our food arrived and of course Declan was eyeing it. I took a piece of beef from my burger and let him just taste it. I held onto it while he sucked at it and he loved it. He was trying to take it from me. He got a small piece broken off so he rolled it around in his mouth a little. He also tried a french fry with some gravy on it. Declan is really eager to sample and it is so much fun. I'm looking forward to making little plates for him when we have our dinner as he gets better at feeding himself...of course that also means that Mommy and Daddy better eat more vegetables and less burgers and fries (sigh).

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