Saturday, 29 September 2012

First Tooth

Little man has been such a good sleeper. Again he was in bed at 9pm and didn't wake until 7:45am. Decided just to keep him up after his morning bottle since he'd already slept so late. Then he had breakfast, some playtime then took a nap at 10:45am until 12:15pm. Great nap. Woke up happy. Had some lunch at 1pm and we hung out until Daddy got home just after 1:30pm.

Then, since Daddy needed a good nap, Mommy and Declan wet over to visit Owen and Hayley. Happy little boys played on the floor for a while. Declan was really interested in Owens sippy cup but  he's not been interested in his own so thought that was weird. Then after being there for about an hour Declan started being fussy, acting unusual for the time of day and I can normally comfort him easily but not this time. Hayley suggested maybe he was teething. I checked inside for a numb and there it was - Declan's very first tooth. I teared up, so did Hayley. My little baby is getting big. I am already mourning the end if Declan's beautiful gummy smile. Poor little man was uncomfortable and there were tears, broke my heart.  Soon as we got home we told Daddy, we'll actually I told Daddy because Declan fell asleep in the car.
Hayley gave Declan some Tylenol before we left there to help with the pain and he has been a bit feverish.

This evening Declan was pretty good until about 8:30pm when the pain started bothering him again. Some more Tylenol and lots of kisses and he was good again. Now he's off to bed and so far he's sleeping good. He's a trooper. We can't believe it. We're done with another stage in his life and on to a new one.

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