Both Daddy and I were home today and got to spend time with our little monkey. I tackled meals since he eats well for me. All three, breakfast, lunch and dinner success. Declan was such a good guy today. We were out getting groceries and he's so happy being in the cart. If ever he's bored and there's nothing to do I could just stick him in the cart and go for a spin of the store. At one point he'd reached back in the cart and grabbed his box of cereal and pulled it up beside him in the front without us noticing. Gotta keep our eyes on him.
Well, things were going very well and then we had a first. Just after getting home with our groceries I put Declan in his excersaucer with some snacks and after turning my back Daddy watched Declan projectile vomit everything in his belly. All over himself and the excersaucer. We had to get a blanker to lay him on and strip him down. Wash him up and put some more clothes on him. Then I proceeded to clean up the excersaucer. I'm fine with poop but vomit is not something I'm ok with. Unfortunatley Daddy is also sick so he couldn't go near it. Uhgg. So gross.
Later this evening we had another first but this was a good one. At 4 months Declan rolled over from his belly to his back for the first time on his own. He's never been interested in rolling onto his belly because he hated being on his belly. For the last month Declan has been much more interested in being on his belly and he tries to reach for things and rolls around a lot. Tonight he rolled over from his back to his belly. He did this two separate times and he moved about on the floor quite a bit. Declan kicked his legs lots and lifted and wiggled his butt while on his tummy. Somebody's physical confidence is improving.
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