Sunday, 30 December 2012

Declan's Own iPhone

Little muffin got to try having a big boy breakfast this morning.  Cut up pieces of waffle with a tiny bit of syrup and some raspberries and cut up blueberries.  He ate about two pieces of waffle and then started throwing pieces on the floor...then he wanted to throw the plate...then this stage of breakfast was over and we moved to fruit puree which I fed him with a spoon.  We'll get there.

Had fun playing with some more of Declan's Christmas toys.  Go Baby Go Dinosaur with the balls that pop up in the air was a hit.  He's got it backwards though.  Instead of putting the balls into the dinosaur he wants to take them out.  Well it's I guess he gets to do whatever he wants.

Late morning we were planning on a little outing (Daddy needed winter boots) so Declan had a bottle on our bed just before we were to get our winter gear on and head out.  Halfway through his bottle we had a break so I could take some photos of him in his Digger Declan shirt from Auntie Marissa.  Declan stole my phone.  Took some pictures and then broke into hysterics when I took it back.  Well I still have the old iPhone so now it's Declan's.  We charged it up and gave it to him.  I swear he won't be getting whatever he wants just cause he cries for it but for today it just worked.  He's very happy to have it.  The bad part is that through wireless his phone is connected to my phone's email and calendar so he's been updating my scheduled events.  If we had plans and I don't show I swear it's the kids fault.

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