Monday, 14 November 2016

The School Day

Drives Daddy nuts.

Every day he picks Declan up from school and asks about his day. He pretty much gets nothing.

Me: Did you have music class today?

Declan: Yes.

Me: Where all your friends at school today? 

Declan: Yes, Vedaant, Daniel, Jessica, but not Issac.

Me: Was Issac away today?

Declan: Yes but he's not my friend. Not Abygale any more. 

Me: How do you decide who is your friend and who isn't?

Declan: They just are. And today we went to the park where the red swing is.

Me: The big new park with the wood chips? Your whole class was there?

Declan: All the classes!

Me: Wow all the classes? That's so many of you.

Declan: ya!

Daddy asked Declan if he had music or gym today. Declan said "I don't remember."

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