Wednesday, 9 November 2016


Monday evening after Declan is already in  bed Daddy looks at pictures Declan had drawn at school and brought home. There were two different drawings of a stick figure and the figure had a frown. Usually all of Declan's faces are smiling.
Declan was in bed so we couldn't ask him about it.
Tuesday morning I bring Declan his breakfast and I'm carrying one of the pictures. He asked me why I had it. I told him I saw he'd brought the drawing home and I wondered why he looked sad. Declan told me the stick guy was sad "Because he doesn't have his Mommy."
I then asked who the stick guy was and he said "it's me."
I said but why would you not have me? And Declan said "it was just a dream." Then he turned the paper over and said "look there's raindrops." So I guess we're moving on then?

Now to this morning where I inquire about a new picture with two stick figures. One had a square head and a weird mouth. The other has a sort of smile. I asked about the picture and Declan told me the one with the square head was worried. "Worried?" I asked. Declan said yes "he's worried the other guy is gonna puke."

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