Tuesday, 29 November 2016

Library Day

Tuesday's are Library days for Declan. He must remember to bring back the book he borrowed the previous week so that he can select a new book. Today he brought home a Hot Wheels book.

D: "Did you see my new library book?"

Me: "I did."

D: "Carter had that book first but I wanted it. I cried and then I got it."

Me: "Sorry, what happened?"

D: "Carter picked that book and I wanted it. I cried and then we had a fast talk and then he gave me the Hot Wheels book."

Me: "What book did Carter get?"

D: "He got the book I picked first."

Me: "Was Carter happy with the book he got?"

D: "He got the book I had first."

Me: "But was he happy with it?"

D: "Ya."

Me: "So you successfully negotiated?"

D: "What does negotiated mean?"

Me to Daddy: "Did you hear how he got his Library book?"

Daddy: "Cried."

Me and Daddy: wide eyed star at each other. 

And he literally just put his letter to Santa in the mail box this morning.

Here is a direct quote: "I will be good."

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