Wednesday, 30 November 2016

School Monkey

Today was the school wide pajama day. Declan got to bring Monkey and everything. Although a little small Declan was thrilled to be wearing his hooded onesie. When we got to school he saw Mathew right away. Mathew had on his red hooded onesie. He went and dug out his stuffy to show Declan how they both had the same kind of pjs and both brought their stuffed animals. He told me this evening that he had a fun day.

I also learned how when Daddy picked Declan up today they'd made it all the way from his class down the hall near the door when Daddy asked where Monkey was. Declan looked in his backpack and he wasn't there! He had to run all the way back to his class and found Monkey laying on the carpet in the room. Crisis averted!!

Little update on Declan's reading: he's doing well with recognizing high frequency small words like "the", "my", "is", "me", and some other simple words like "cat", "like", "car" and "like".

Oh and one more thing I couldn't forget: Declan was very proud that today, for the first time, he was the Cubby Star!

Tuesday, 29 November 2016

Library Day

Tuesday's are Library days for Declan. He must remember to bring back the book he borrowed the previous week so that he can select a new book. Today he brought home a Hot Wheels book.

D: "Did you see my new library book?"

Me: "I did."

D: "Carter had that book first but I wanted it. I cried and then I got it."

Me: "Sorry, what happened?"

D: "Carter picked that book and I wanted it. I cried and then we had a fast talk and then he gave me the Hot Wheels book."

Me: "What book did Carter get?"

D: "He got the book I picked first."

Me: "Was Carter happy with the book he got?"

D: "He got the book I had first."

Me: "But was he happy with it?"

D: "Ya."

Me: "So you successfully negotiated?"

D: "What does negotiated mean?"

Me to Daddy: "Did you hear how he got his Library book?"

Daddy: "Cried."

Me and Daddy: wide eyed star at each other. 

And he literally just put his letter to Santa in the mail box this morning.

Here is a direct quote: "I will be good."

Monday, 28 November 2016

Kid Stuff

I worked all weekend which meant it was a Daddy/Declan weekend. On Saturday they had a movie date and saw Moana. Declan must have loved it. When I got in from work Declan was just finishing up his nap. He woke up and stared telling me all about the movie. Talked about his favourite characters and then showed me how the crazy chicken slid around in the boat by laying down and acting out the side to side slide. That evening we squeezed in the Waterdown Santa Claus parade. Declan's favourite part was Santa of course.

On our walk to school this morning Declan said that he missed his friends. I replied by saying "I guess it's good you're going to school today then." Declan said "No I mean my other friends. Like the other Alex. My cousins." ❤️ Was happy to be able to tell him he'd see some in Ottawa soon.

Friday, 25 November 2016

PJ Day

Today was a PD Day but the Muffin Man still goes to school as a part of the YMCA program. Next week the entire school is having pajama day but for today the YMCA leaders said it would also be pj day. I got Declan dressed in clean, new pjs for the day. He was excited but also a little apprehensive as to whether others would also be in pjs. I assured him that they would. Declan was only the second kid to arrive, Mathew was already there. I observed as Declan immediately asked Mathew is he was wearing his pjs. Mathew said he wasn't. I was worried all day. I've never witnessed Declan demonstrate concern over being a part of something. All day I was nervous for him, that nobody else was in pjs and I wished I'd sent other clothes along in his bag in case he wanted to change.

I got home from work today to learn that lots of the YMCA kids were in their pjs. Even more Declan made friends with Mathew today. He said he's like for Mathew and Veedaant to come home with him for good and be his brothers. Declan added that he'd be silly with Veedaant. Guess we've got a real social kid on our hands. He's doing ok.

Wednesday, 23 November 2016

The Bucket

I got to pick Declan up from school today. When I walked in there were lots of kids all interacting in different groups. Declan was playing a marble game with two other boys on the floor. He jumped up when he saw that I was there. One of the boys was Alex (who is in a different Kindergarten class but Alex is also JK and in the YMCA program with Declan. Well Alex's Dad arrived at the same time so the boys got dressed at the same time and walked out of the school together. In the car Declan told me that Alex was like Veedaant and would be a best friend forever. Maybe they'll be in the same class next year.

So I took Declan for a hair cut and when we were walking to the car he asked why it smelled like French Fries. I said probably because there were a lot of restaurants around. He said "I want French Fries for dinner. I want McDonalds French Fries for dinner." Of course I'm a sucker so he got a grilled cheese Happy Meal. He devoured it.

Best part of our travels this evening: Declan telling me how everyone had an invisible bucket on their head. That when you say or do something nice for someone you put a drip in their bucket. There are bucket fillers and bucket tippers. You don't want to be a bucket tipper. I asked him if I was a bucket filler and he told me I was. He then told me that he put a drip in my bucket because he loves me. I told him he filled my bucket right up. He really is my Sunshine.

Monday, 21 November 2016

Pokémon Kid

Declan came home today with some handmade Pokémon cards. He says he and a couple other classmates were making them. Such a little boy. Pretty cute that I can recognize a Poké ball and 'pikachu' in his drawings.

Being Monday he also had music class (which he loves). He sang me the welcome and goodbye song that they all sing ("We're glad you came today, we're glad you came today, hello hello to everyone, we're glad you came today!") and told me about playing with the drums (yay!!!). He also drew a picture of a quarter note, a beamed note and a rest. He draws them backward but very good otherwise. I was so proud that he remembered the names "quarter note" and "rest".

He also drew some other pictures on his whiteboard for me. One was a stick person with a big round belly and he draws a mini stick figure (baby) in the circle. He's fascinated with the idea of babies in their Mommy's bellies. I think it's cool he can draw it.

Saturday, 19 November 2016

More Random

Thursday evening Declan asked "I wonder if Teo is bigger?" Teo being Matteo, the 2 year old from Kelly's. I told Declan I would text Kelly on Friday and ask. Kelly replied and told me that Teo is double the size he used to be and that he talks about Declan all the time. Very sweet. Teo was much like a little brother to Declan and he misses him.

Declan also told me about how Daniel sometimes has a hard time getting his Mr. Zippy into his backpack. I asked Declan if he helped him. Declan told me he doesn't help unless he's asked. Then he said "And he asked me so I helped him." (I'm guessing that the 'don't help unless asked' is leftover from the start of school when Declan was telling Daniel how to do things and it wasn't well received. Glad they've both moved on and seem to be building a friendship.

Declan and I were looking at his new Lego Superhero book. It had the names of different characters written under each ones picture. Declan pointed to the pictures and told me their names. He was stumped on one. I asked if he wanted my help and he said no. I just watched as he pointed at the name and said "C. C." (Pointed to the first letter) "G." (Pointed at the last) "C....G....Cyborg!!" I couldn't believe it! No...he didn't read the name but he did problem solve using clues he's got from learning about letters and the sounds they make. Happy to report he can actually recognize a nice number of words thanks to his reader homework.

And lastly everyone at Declan's school wore Blue as a part of anti-bullying education. He came home Friday and told us how they had an assembly and learned about "bystanders" and how you "don't want to be a bystander when someone is being bullied because then you are as bad as the bully." 

I really hope he understands the message and not just the words.

Thursday, 17 November 2016

Declan Moments

It's been a busy couple days but here are some Declan moments:

He told me that "One time at Kelly's I had a bad dream that there was a big digger at a house and it was digging at the garage and then it kept going and went through the house and then it went up the stairs and it went in a bedroom that had a kid in it." Poor kid. That sounds like a dramatic dream.

Declan getting undressed in the morning, his pj shirt was unbutton and he told me "I look like a scientist when my pajama shirt is open." He then proceeded to tell me he would be a scientist one day.

Looking at the French Catholic School Declan asks Daddy what the names of the French people there would be. Daddy let him know there would be all different names there to which Declan replied: "I think their names Matilda."

I asked if all his friend were at school today. Declan said yes. I asked who they were and he told me: Vedaant, Harith, Daniel and Brod. I asked about Jessica and he said she wasn't his friend (This changes depending on the day). I said oh, just hanging with the 'bros' and Declan said "yup."

Monday, 14 November 2016

The School Day

Drives Daddy nuts.

Every day he picks Declan up from school and asks about his day. He pretty much gets nothing.

Me: Did you have music class today?

Declan: Yes.

Me: Where all your friends at school today? 

Declan: Yes, Vedaant, Daniel, Jessica, but not Issac.

Me: Was Issac away today?

Declan: Yes but he's not my friend. Not Abygale any more. 

Me: How do you decide who is your friend and who isn't?

Declan: They just are. And today we went to the park where the red swing is.

Me: The big new park with the wood chips? Your whole class was there?

Declan: All the classes!

Me: Wow all the classes? That's so many of you.

Declan: ya!

Daddy asked Declan if he had music or gym today. Declan said "I don't remember."

Saturday, 12 November 2016


Declan kept asking (begging) to go to the park today. Really wasn't feeling it but just can't say no to letting him play (he's 4 1/2, it's just mean to say no). About 4:40pm we finally head out. Thanks to the recent time change it is already getting dark. We had enough time for slides, the bouncy bugs, the swings, the teeder/todder and then again on some slides. Was great to see that Declan is more confident on the play structure and even climbed a short ladder. He asked me to count down before he would go down the curly slide which of course I did. One last time down the red curly slide and Declan yells "weeeee" then at the bottom he stands up, walks over to me and standing extremely close says. "It's getting spooky. There might be a ghost here." And it was time to go. The sun had set and it was getting darker. Almost 5:30pm and a perfect time to head home. Thank you active 4 1/2 year old imagination.

Friday, 11 November 2016

Stop With The Stickers

Me when I got home today: "So what happened?"

Declan: "I was walking and the wind got me. It pushed me really hard at the back and then I tripped and I fell into the climbing bars."

Me: "The wind blew you into the play structure?"

Declan: "Ya."

And yet another day of Declan coming home with a 'Watch for concussion symptoms' sticker on him.

Thursday, 10 November 2016

In His Life

It is difficult to comprehend how this little person, this kid who used to be so dependent and who couldn't even crawl is now out in the world. Our days go by, me at work and Declan at school and they don't concert. His whole day independent of mine. Then this evening we talk about his day. 

He tried some new yogurt tubes I bought him in his lunch. I asked if he had any trouble opening it. He told me Mrs. Wigood helped him open it. Then he told me he spilt a little and Mrs. S helped him clean it up. 

I also hear about Mrs. Ritu (YMCA) and Ms. Sima (YMCA), Ms. Maryam (Student teacher), Mrs. Aryoso and Ms. Lavender. He even refers to the Principal (Mr. Hamilton) and Vice Principal (Mr. Chaisson) by name. Declan even talks with the Head Custodian, Mrs. H.
So many different people that are a part of his day, his world. It is still hard to comprehend it.

Wednesday, 9 November 2016


Monday evening after Declan is already in  bed Daddy looks at pictures Declan had drawn at school and brought home. There were two different drawings of a stick figure and the figure had a frown. Usually all of Declan's faces are smiling.
Declan was in bed so we couldn't ask him about it.
Tuesday morning I bring Declan his breakfast and I'm carrying one of the pictures. He asked me why I had it. I told him I saw he'd brought the drawing home and I wondered why he looked sad. Declan told me the stick guy was sad "Because he doesn't have his Mommy."
I then asked who the stick guy was and he said "it's me."
I said but why would you not have me? And Declan said "it was just a dream." Then he turned the paper over and said "look there's raindrops." So I guess we're moving on then?

Now to this morning where I inquire about a new picture with two stick figures. One had a square head and a weird mouth. The other has a sort of smile. I asked about the picture and Declan told me the one with the square head was worried. "Worried?" I asked. Declan said yes "he's worried the other guy is gonna puke."

Monday, 7 November 2016

School Germs are the Worst

Poor Declan has had a terrible cough now for over a week. Add to that on Sunday and then again today he's got a rash on his middle. Doesn't appear to bother him but I hate that he has it. Poor guy. No way he was staying home from school today though. Finally it was his day - he was the Super Student. Declan had to wear a special badge, he took the attendance to the office, he was the line leader among other "special" things. He also brought in his "Y" items for the letter board: Yarn, Yak, Yellow and Yawn. 

Now if he could just get better. 

Friday, 4 November 2016

Just the Best

Poor kid still has a nasty cough. He wasn't feverish so he went to school but felt lousy by end of day. While Daddy was getting him dinner Declan "puked". Just a rough go. I got home just as Daddy was reading him his bedtime story. Declan asked me to lay down beside him while Daddy read. Cute little guy wraps his hand around my wrist. When I kissed him goodnight I told him I'd be checking in on him during the night. He said "remember to wake me up so I can tell you more about my day." Which I did not because sickie needs his sleep.

Wednesday, 2 November 2016

The Cold

So a cold has officially taken hold on the Muffin Man. First signs he wasn't 100% came through the weekend. Yesterday and today he's got a nasty cough again and barely eats. Poor kid. He's a trooper though and still wants to go to school. On our walk there this morning we were collecting leaves. Close to school and with a good handful of Maple leaves Declan leaned into me and put his arm around my leg. 
He says: "I love leaf hunting with you."
That is the proof. What really matters is the quality of time. Enjoy the mundane simple moments like just walking to school. There's a lot of joy to be had in everything.