Today was the school wide pajama day. Declan got to bring Monkey and everything. Although a little small Declan was thrilled to be wearing his hooded onesie. When we got to school he saw Mathew right away. Mathew had on his red hooded onesie. He went and dug out his stuffy to show Declan how they both had the same kind of pjs and both brought their stuffed animals. He told me this evening that he had a fun day.
I also learned how when Daddy picked Declan up today they'd made it all the way from his class down the hall near the door when Daddy asked where Monkey was. Declan looked in his backpack and he wasn't there! He had to run all the way back to his class and found Monkey laying on the carpet in the room. Crisis averted!!
Little update on Declan's reading: he's doing well with recognizing high frequency small words like "the", "my", "is", "me", and some other simple words like "cat", "like", "car" and "like".
Oh and one more thing I couldn't forget: Declan was very proud that today, for the first time, he was the Cubby Star!