Saturday, 25 June 2016


This morning saw the last of Declan's lacrosse games. He was pretty excited that it was Chanp Day. It started with their usual skills practice during which he listened a bit. Followed by a short game with the Green team. Declan was trying to play defensive and was hitting all the kids sticks. I had to run out and tell him that you only hit the stick when they have the ball otherwise you don't hit their sticks. Unfortunately this was one crying kid too late. Still he got the message. Then he got the ball. He knows he needs to protect it which is why he led a game of chase. All the kids following as he runs all the way to the net and past and down the far right side then back through the middle and over to the far left then somewhat close to our own teams net before heading far right again and then finally to the green teams net where he shot the ball and SCORED!!! Declan got his first goal!! His words: there was no more "running power" left in him. After the game they went for drinks and snacks, they each received a trophy which was followed by their team photo.

After pictures Declan got some time in the bouncy castle before heading on our way and officially calling an end to Declan's first season of Lacrosse.

After Declan's brief nap I took him over for some time at the splash pad. We brought a pail and two cups plus I snuck over two water guns. Not a lot of kids there so I had to get in there with Declan to help keep it fun. Once we got the guns out and Declan was shooting me another boy a couple years older arrived and started to play. Declan shot him with the water gun so I handed the 2nd one to the little kid with instructions to "get him". They had a good time shooting each other and then Talya from Kelly's arrived. Once Declan realized it was her he gave her a big hug and then they starting chasing. The other boy played too for a while before heading home. Declan and Talya played together another 45 minutes. Sweet moment when she went too fast down a slide and started crying now. She ran to her daddy for comfort but while running her shoe flew off. Declan went over to check on her and noticed the shoe so he went and picked it up to bring to her. What a little gentleman.
What a great day.

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