Saturday, 18 June 2016

Great and Trying

He just kills me. Declan is a combination of fantastic and testing me all wrapped up in the cutest kid.

Getting ready to go see his cousin Maddy perform with her singing group. I come downstairs in my jeans and tank top.

Declan: "I like your clothes Mommy."

Me: "well I'll be putting a shirt on, not going like this."

Declan: "Because nobody wants to see that."


Head to Madison's music school to meet up with Auntie T and see Maddy sing.

Declan seemed genuinely excited. He clapped very enthusiastically. One number Madison wasn't in and when they finished Declan said "oh no, Maddy missed it." By the end he was pretty tired and he kept saying he was soooo hungry. I had to stop at WalMart and get the kid a yogurt.

Today took Declan to see "Finding Dory". It was a good movie but perhaps best for an older kid. Declan did good but he got restless. He did lean in at one point, put his arm behind me and as he rubbed my back he said "I'll always remember you Mommy." The kid kills me.

Of course the movie meant no nap and this after the singing production which meant a late bedtime. Declan was tired.
And lipy.
But mostly tired.
Trying day but he says "best day" so I'm pretty happy about that.

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