Wednesday, 1 June 2016

Parent's Night

We got to go to Declan's new school and meet the Principal and teacher. Declan was very excited to go back to see the classrooms again. He stood, then sat patiently while the various people spoke to the group. He was eager to get into the classrooms for a look around for toys.  Declan will love school. 

In the first room he found a ramp and some cars which he took turns using with another little boy.

In the 2nd classroom Declan politely asked a girl if he could also play in the sand bin with her. Not getting a response he asked three times. Finally her Mom answered yes on her behalf. 

And finally in the last room he as playing store with another boy. He kept handing play money to the little kid who would then make him change. Declan was confused as he was waiting for a toy or something. Sure is awesome watching him interact with new kids so easily.

Finally, tragedy when we wanted to leave. Declan doesn't want to leave school. So there were tears the entire way home.

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