Wednesday, 29 June 2016

End of School Year

While the Muffin Man hasn't started school yet the end of this year did bring some changes. On the plus Kelly's kids are around and Declan just loves them. On the downside today Declan said goodbye to another little friend: Taliya will be starting JK in September like Declan but she's also home with Mom for the summer. Today was their last day together at Kelly's. Sadly she will not be at Declan's school either. We just have to hope that we run into her at a park again some time soon. I'm excited for Declan to finally start school and make some friends that he could have for longer time.

Monday, 27 June 2016


While the moon and visions of visiting it one day may be Declan's true love I think we've uncovered another of his passions.  Perhaps it was seeing his cousin Maddy perform on stage but the Muffin Man loves to sing. It's becoming more and more common. He actually wants me to sing to him now so he can copy the melody. Declan is making up songs but surprisingly he's actually sounding like he's in a stage production. No Pop singer here or Rock vocalist. No he's sounding more theater and when I'm really lucky he even adds in arm gestures and dance steps.
I don't know where he's picking this up but it's kind of awesome. Guess we will be splitting his extra curricular activities up, sometimes sports and sometimes arts. Just amazing watching him become his own person.

Saturday, 25 June 2016


This morning saw the last of Declan's lacrosse games. He was pretty excited that it was Chanp Day. It started with their usual skills practice during which he listened a bit. Followed by a short game with the Green team. Declan was trying to play defensive and was hitting all the kids sticks. I had to run out and tell him that you only hit the stick when they have the ball otherwise you don't hit their sticks. Unfortunately this was one crying kid too late. Still he got the message. Then he got the ball. He knows he needs to protect it which is why he led a game of chase. All the kids following as he runs all the way to the net and past and down the far right side then back through the middle and over to the far left then somewhat close to our own teams net before heading far right again and then finally to the green teams net where he shot the ball and SCORED!!! Declan got his first goal!! His words: there was no more "running power" left in him. After the game they went for drinks and snacks, they each received a trophy which was followed by their team photo.

After pictures Declan got some time in the bouncy castle before heading on our way and officially calling an end to Declan's first season of Lacrosse.

After Declan's brief nap I took him over for some time at the splash pad. We brought a pail and two cups plus I snuck over two water guns. Not a lot of kids there so I had to get in there with Declan to help keep it fun. Once we got the guns out and Declan was shooting me another boy a couple years older arrived and started to play. Declan shot him with the water gun so I handed the 2nd one to the little kid with instructions to "get him". They had a good time shooting each other and then Talya from Kelly's arrived. Once Declan realized it was her he gave her a big hug and then they starting chasing. The other boy played too for a while before heading home. Declan and Talya played together another 45 minutes. Sweet moment when she went too fast down a slide and started crying now. She ran to her daddy for comfort but while running her shoe flew off. Declan went over to check on her and noticed the shoe so he went and picked it up to bring to her. What a little gentleman.
What a great day.

Thursday, 23 June 2016

Where Babies Come From

Declan loves to talk about how he was in "Mommy's belly" and especially likes seeing pictures of when I was pregnant. He asked me about when I was a baby and who's belly I came from. I explained that I came from Gramma's belly and Daddy came from Grandma's belly. He asked me if any other babies came from Gramma's belly and I said yes, Auntie T came from Gramma's belly. He then wanted to know how babies get inside their Mommy's bellies. I told him it was such a long story and that Daddy would tell him one day.

And he showed me Darth Vader. He said "Here's Darth Vader with his chocolate pudding and pie." 

Love him.

Wednesday, 22 June 2016

Serenades and Hugs

Had a wonderful drive to Kelly's this morning. Declan now asks me in the car if I'd like to hear a song. He isn't singing real songs but rather made up songs and the topics vary. This morning it was about Spiderman. He tries to keep a consistent melody and to my surprise he actually sounds musical at the end. I just love my Declan serenades.
I was lucky enough to pick Declan up from Kelly's today and when we got home I let him pick: Playdoh or Splash Pad. He chose Playdoh.  I thought he might since he's been asking about Playdoh quite a bit lately and questioning why we don't let him play with it. We played for an hour. His favourite parts are cutting and making Playdoh spaghetti.
I was pretty tired and went to bed at 9pm. As usual however I did stop in to check on Declan. He woke up and was happy to see me. He asked for a hug and kiss. Then he told me he had been dreaming. He was in a different house and he was playing with Lego and he dropped some small pieces on the carpet and was having trouble finding them. So it was time for me to leave him and head to bed so he demanded another hug and kiss. His hug was great, he really squeezed and it was probably the best hug he's ever given me. I think I'll sleep great tonight.

Tuesday, 21 June 2016

Officially Summer

Well it is officially summer. Season-wise. Technically school isn't out yet so it's not summer break but yesterday was the longest day of the year. So much talk around starting school soon has gotten Declan excited. Now in the mornings he wants privacy and the opportunity to do as much on his own as possible. Our little monkey is growing up fast. Thankfully he's still thwarted by t-shirts so he still needs Mommy. 

Sunday, 19 June 2016


6am wake ups when it's Fathers Day and Declan is excited to give Daddy his card and gift are just fine. Even better when he snuggles into bed with us and watches cartoons on my phone so we can sleep just a little longer. Mostly a lazy day except for a short time at the splash pad. 
The best part?
Their smiles.

Saturday, 18 June 2016

Great and Trying

He just kills me. Declan is a combination of fantastic and testing me all wrapped up in the cutest kid.

Getting ready to go see his cousin Maddy perform with her singing group. I come downstairs in my jeans and tank top.

Declan: "I like your clothes Mommy."

Me: "well I'll be putting a shirt on, not going like this."

Declan: "Because nobody wants to see that."


Head to Madison's music school to meet up with Auntie T and see Maddy sing.

Declan seemed genuinely excited. He clapped very enthusiastically. One number Madison wasn't in and when they finished Declan said "oh no, Maddy missed it." By the end he was pretty tired and he kept saying he was soooo hungry. I had to stop at WalMart and get the kid a yogurt.

Today took Declan to see "Finding Dory". It was a good movie but perhaps best for an older kid. Declan did good but he got restless. He did lean in at one point, put his arm behind me and as he rubbed my back he said "I'll always remember you Mommy." The kid kills me.

Of course the movie meant no nap and this after the singing production which meant a late bedtime. Declan was tired.
And lipy.
But mostly tired.
Trying day but he says "best day" so I'm pretty happy about that.

Wednesday, 15 June 2016


Measured the kid this morning. He is now 3' 8 1/3" tall. Kids huge. And lean, not scrawny but lean.

Declan: "Daddy do you like vegetables?"

Daddy: "I do except tomatoes and onions."

Declan: "I like Minions."

Daddy: "I didn't say Minions. I said I don't  like onions."

Declan: "I know Daddy. We're talking about something else now."

Tuesday, 14 June 2016


First thing Declan said when he woke this morning was he remembered that I suggested he draw some pictures for me. I wondered if that means he dreamt about it?

Coming home from Kelly's today Declan asked Daddy what the sign with the big P and the red circle and Mark through it was. Daddy explained how it was a no parking sign. There were a few similar signs and he was teaching Declan what they all meant.

Not long after they got in the door Declan noticed there was Hunter hair all over the chair in the TV room. Daddy suggested that Hunter must have been sleeping in the chair all day today.

When I got home I was informed how Declan wanted to draw a picture but a very specific picture of Hunter with a circle and a line through it and that he wanted to hang it on the chair so that there are no Hunters allows on the chair.
Great how the little mind works.

Poor Hunter. There is currently a four year old's drawing of him with a circle and line through it handing on the chair.

Monday, 13 June 2016

His Encore

After Declan's bedtime rituals, after he's been tucked away for nearly an hour we hear the little footsteps. Then Hunter sits up and stares at the front of the house. We pause the TV and listen. 
"Did somebody go pee?"


So proud of himself for being able to do it all by himself he then uses this as an excuse to come see us for another goodnight. We get extra hugs and kisses, extra "love you's" and waves as he walks away. It's pretty cute. Not going to lie, I'm a big fan of his encore.

Sunday, 12 June 2016

Full Weekend

For our little Muffin Man who can't handle the sweat running down his face during Lacrosse we got a skull cap. He was thrilled to put it on under his helmet to test it out Saturday morning.

And success!!! He still got sweaty on his face because he's playing hard but it worked to keep the streams of sweat running down into his eyes. I had to miss his game as I was at work but Daddy was there and so was Poppa. Declan waved to him during his class. He tried real hard for the first half and he stayed out for the full second half without tears but the effort was more 50%. Overall a good effort this week.

After I was done work Declan and I packed it up for a sleepover at Chelsey's.  They played with toys, with water balloons outside, came in for some pizza, went to the park, throw rocks into the lake from the beach, came home for dessert, had a tickle time story and then they were both off to sleep. Easily. They were exhausted.

In the morning they ran around, had fresh made waffles for breakfast and then played Lego until it was time for us to head home. Daddy was missing his 'mini me' so we needed to get back. Declan was really good the entire weekend. Tired him right out too because naps were solid and he went to bed nice and sound.  He's always so much fun.

Friday, 10 June 2016

He's No Drummer

Always thought I'd love for my little one to play the drums. Well he's not interested. At least the four year old is finally demonstrating an honest enjoyment of music. This evening I was entertained by Declan dancing to the Beach Boys and then Paul McCartney. He proudly announced that he had "the beat" when he was clapping his hands. My favourite part was when he asked Daddy to show him his moves. Daddy said he didn't have any but then I told Declan "you know Daddy's move." Then I danced with my arms in a fun way Daddy has danced for Declan many times. Declan said "oh ya" and started Dancig like Daddy. My boys are pretty cute. (And soon to be twins, stay tuned.)

Wednesday, 8 June 2016

Good Question

Hanging out this morning with Declan before the work day began. He was playing a video game when he stopped and looked at me.

"I really like Playdoh but you never let me play it. Why don't you let me play Playdoh?"

He really catches me off guard sometimes. This, I thought to myself, what a brilliant question. There is no good reason. It's messy. I don't like it. These are not good enough reasons to tell him no.

"Maybe this weekend you can play with your Playdoh."


And he wins again.

Monday, 6 June 2016

Mr. Independent

About an hour after Declan had gone to bed we hear his little footsteps, he's out of bed.
Daddy waits a moment before heading upstairs to see what's up.
He find the bathroom door closed and the light is on.
Declan opens the door "Hi Daddy. What are you doing?"
"I just heard something so I was checking to make sure everything was ok."
"Oh you must have heard the flush."
"Did you go pee?"
"Are you going to put yourself back into bed yourself?"
"Ok. Goodnight."
"Goodnight Daddy."
He's so big!

Sunday, 5 June 2016

The Eyes

Laying in bed this morning I listened for about 20 minutes tonDeclan giggling uncontrollably. He was in Grandma's room and he was having the best time. He had a great weekend, just loved having Grandma down for a visit. As she drove away this morning Declan watched from the front door. Grandma blew him a kiss to which he reciprocated. Then he turned to me and yelled "I kissed with the hand too!!" 

I had some time to hang out with Declan alone today. While we played with some of his toys he stopped and stared in the mirror. "What colour are my eyes?" He asked. They've always been blue so I said "are they blue?" He came to me and sat on my lap, leaned back so I could get a good look. They are hard to determine. Most definitely not brown and they don't look green but I can't really say they're blue any more. Kind of a grey. "Declan you're eyes are beautiful no matter the colour."
He then checked mine "what colour are your eyes? Are they blue?" 
"Not really. What do you see?"
He looked. Then he just walked away. I get it. My eyes are technically green but they are not a vibrant colour either. Kind of muddled. Just have to be different.

Saturday, 4 June 2016

Wake up Call

Who doesn't like a 5:30 wake up call? Well at least one from a four year old who's just the happiest. Actually I'm not the one who received the early visit, it was Grandma. Bright and early the happiest little muffin crept into her room. It would be another two hours before Mommy and Daddy got up. Grandma didn't mind at all since they got to chat and Declan sang Grandma a few songs (his best numbers). All around it was a great day. Grandma and Declan got in lots of time hanging out.

Thursday, 2 June 2016

Open Minds

I'm so impressed by the four year old mind. So new and uncluttered. Of course a four year old sees and hears everything, they don't have any stresses or other burdens on their little minds. It is so much fun to observe.  The other day I had put on a perfume Which I rarely wear however I had worn it the last two times we were in Ottawa visiting Grandma and Grandpa. I leaned in to give Declan a hug and he said "You smell like we're at Grandma and Grandpas house." I can't believe he ever noticed it in the first place let along be able to pinpoint when he smelled it. 

And he says he likes it. Just sayin'

Wednesday, 1 June 2016

Parent's Night

We got to go to Declan's new school and meet the Principal and teacher. Declan was very excited to go back to see the classrooms again. He stood, then sat patiently while the various people spoke to the group. He was eager to get into the classrooms for a look around for toys.  Declan will love school. 

In the first room he found a ramp and some cars which he took turns using with another little boy.

In the 2nd classroom Declan politely asked a girl if he could also play in the sand bin with her. Not getting a response he asked three times. Finally her Mom answered yes on her behalf. 

And finally in the last room he as playing store with another boy. He kept handing play money to the little kid who would then make him change. Declan was confused as he was waiting for a toy or something. Sure is awesome watching him interact with new kids so easily.

Finally, tragedy when we wanted to leave. Declan doesn't want to leave school. So there were tears the entire way home.