Monday, 14 July 2014

Shares Stories

I had to work inventory last night and wasn't home until nearly 1am. Daddy had to work an overnight so he left around 7pm and didn't get in until about 5am. That meant Grandma was on Declan duty. She came by for about 6pm so her and Declan had some time to visit before he was off to bed at 7pm. Then Grandma listened to Declan chatting away in bed for almost two hours. Pooh Bear, Bunny and Monkey sure get an earful. Grandma spent the night and was here with me this morning to get Declan off to Daycare while Daddy slept unbeknown to the little man. 

After a day at Kelly's Daddy picked Declan up and was treated to stories about how Mommy and Grandma were at home in the morning. It's amazing listening to his huge vocabulary and how good he is with his sentences and getting his point across but at the same time it's so weird. It's hard to believe that he's become this little person. 

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