Thursday, 10 July 2014

Get Thee to a Stage

Tyler and I have never gotten angry or upset with Declan the few times he has gotten out of bed. We don't mind. We haven't given him any reason to believe that he's even being bad when he gets out. When I heard him playing with toys when he was just down for his nap I opened the door and found a frightened little boy in a pile of tos. He looked panicked and scared. He stood up and went right to his bed. I simply told him to have a good nap and rubbed him back. I have no idea why he acts like he just committed a terrible crime.

Now this mornig before I went into his room to get him up I heard him out of bed looking through him toys. Now he heard me walking around and knew I was coming. Not only did he quickly run back to bed and climb in but he laid down as though he'd been asleep. He even went so far as to sit up, all squinty eyed, acting like is just woken him up and said quietly "Hi Mommy." Oh kid I'm on to you. I knew you'd been out of bed. Now I am actually pretty impressed with the acting skills. Doesn't simply ensure he's back in the right place but te sell job too!?! He's good. Real good.

Overall he had a great day today. A visit to Auntie T's for a swim and hanging with cousins Mad and Josh. Pool time was fun even if he didn't actually swim with me at all, just his cousins.

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