Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Canada Day Means Pool Day

As we were packing everything up to head over to Uncle Scott and Auntie T's house we did tell Declan he'd get to go swimming in their pool. So when we arrived, knocked on the door and Auntie T and Josh opened the door they were met with an enthusiastic "I go swimming!" From Declan.

He loves the pool.

Today was the first day he went in with his swimmer vest on and he loved it. So excited it's Bubble Guppies and also excited it's "my jacket" or so he says. 

In the pool right away with his cousin Maddison. She made the mistake of being fun. She would count "One, two, three" and lift him high and splash him back to the water. He liked it so much he demanded it over and over "Fun, two, three" he would yell so she'd do it again  (He can count. I think he's clever sometimes with the little things he does. This game was in fact "fun").

After I got in the pool with them Declan decided he wanted to go off the diving board. Kid is brave. Mad held one hand and I the other then we let him drop in from a sitting position off the diving board into the deep end. He would get water all in his face a few times. But choke on water or not he wasn't fazed and wanted more. Spent an hour in the pool before lunch and nap, then another hour back in the pool after his nap. He's a water toddler for sure!

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