Thursday, 31 July 2014

"In The Bed"

When I got in from work this evening Declan and Daddy were upstairs. Daddy was getting Declan's bath ready while Declan walked around. When he saw me he came right to me for a hug then a game of chase broke out. So many giggles and belly laughs. He ran back and forth from the spare room bed to Mommy and Daddy's bed. When he got to our bed he would charge it so fast that his feet would lift right off the ground. That was perfect tickling position. I pinned him to the bed and lifted an arm for a perfect pit tickle but that wasn't the best. The best was lifting his leg and tickling the back of Declan's thigh. He laughed so hard. 
Best part of the day.

Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Great Day

I had such a good time today with my little man. He woke up happy and full of energy. We got the morning routine things out of way fast so we could head off to Chelsey's house. An opportunity for Declan to play with Chelsey, Molly and MacGregor. On the drive Declan ate some goldfish crackers. Then when he handed the rest back to me I asked if he wanted some of the cheese sandwich crackers. He said no but then asked for "my Timbits". 
Sorry kid but we don't have any.
He didn't believe me.
"My Timbits."
Again I said sorry but we didn't stop at Tim Hortons so we don't have any.
"My crackers." Finally he understood/believed me.

Declan loves older kids so he especially likes MacGregor. There was a pretty good game of tag and MacGregor trying to get Declan to understand a game of "spies". When the kids all sat in for lunch Declan didn't hesitate. He crawled up onto a chair and since he didn't have a booster seat his head was just up high enough over the table to see his pizza. He ate well with the other kids but he eats slow so they left him alone at the table. Declan kept saying "come back" with his mouth full of course. Then it wasn't long before he was back to playing.

After the drive home I got Declan down for his afternoon nap. A solid two hours before he was back up. Then after nap but before dinner Declan and I got time to play outside in the backyard. We played with water balloons. Every time I tried to break one right behind Declan so he'd get splashed it wouldn't break. Lucky kid. I'll get him next time. Afterward dinner and bedtime were a wirlwind and then he was asleep. Sure had a fun day though. Love this kid.

Tuesday, 29 July 2014


Monday was a daycare day. I got Declan up out of bed and we snuggled while he had his morning "bubba". Afterward he wanted to play with his Mega Building Blocks. I had to say no because we didn't have enough time. I told Declan that when I got home from work we could play. He was ok with that so I got him dressed for Kelly's and we were off.

Monday morning at work I got a call from the closing Manager that she was really sick and couldn't come in. That meant I was working open to close and it would be 10pm before I got home.

This morning I could hear that Declan was awake so I went in to his room to get him out of bed for yet another day of daycare. Soon as Declan saw me he said "blocks?!?"

And I said "sure".
I'm not going to miss an extra five minutes of playtime with my Son again.

Sunday, 27 July 2014

Hulk and Spider-man Snuggles

When we got Declan out of bed this morning he wa still snuggled up to his Superheros. Toys in bed, a nice treat but not to be the norm. He did sleep well however. 

He was a happy kid all day even if it was just a simple day.

Saturday, 26 July 2014

"Come Back Mommy"

My little peanut was a big helper today. Daddy was having company so Declan was helping clean the house.

In the evening just before bed Daddy's friend Jarred was playing with Declan. He got to see his Superheros: Hulk and Spider-Man. When Jarred was looking at Spider-man Declan was tired and sensitive so he got whiney and didn't want anyone touching his super heroes. Daddy and I took him off and tucked him into bed. Once we were downstairs I could here Declan sobbing that Spider-Man and Hulk were gone. I thought he might think that since he was in bed that Jarred might take them. So I brought them both upstairs. I crept into Declan's room and then told him they could sleep in his bed just for tonight. He was thrilled and I got a big smile. After I left I could hear him talking to his super heros. Then I heard him say "come back Mommy, come back." Such a cutie. I can't wait to see him in the morning and find out if Hulk and Spider-Man stayed in bed or not.

Friday, 25 July 2014

Spooky Dreams

When I woke Declan at 7am to get dressed for daycare he'd been sound asleep on his side snuggling his blankie. Looks like it's official and the boy gets tucked in for bedtime now. He woke happy and immediately said "it's spooky" and I asked "what's that buddy?" And he said "it's spooky" "Deema and Noni and Gil and Maw-wie." He was listing the Bubble Guppies. Turns out he'd had a dream about the Halloween episode of Bubble Guppies and it's "spooky". He says smiling. He loves that show.
When I dropped him off at Kelly's she asked "did he just say 'ghost'?" To which I replied "Yes. He had a Halloween Bubble Guppie dream".

So cute.

What's that on the wall in his bedroom?


Where did he find the crayon?

Thursday, 24 July 2014

Water Balloon Action

Declan and I got to visit for a little while with an old friend of mine and her little guy. Clayton and Declan have met before but it has been I long I doubted they'd even remember each other.

The two boys didn't hit it off instantly but after a little while they were happily hanging out together. Throwing balls around, bouncing on the trampoline, dumping water on each other and then some snacks.

All good fun. Then Declan was introduced to water balloons. Oh boy he just loved them. Not getting the idea of rising them he'd just lobb them a mere two feet in front of himself but he laughed and clapped just the same. Lucky Declan even got a pack of balloons to try at home from Kerri. What a nice day.

Wednesday, 23 July 2014

So Clever, Really

Declan still wants my new phone. He has his very own iPhone 4 to play with but there is something about my new phone he just can't forget.
This morning he grabs his phone (my old iPhone) and monkey and sits on my lap. He makes certain I am holding my new phone and within his reach. He then touches both screens and opens identical apps on both. He looks up at me and smiles. He pushes a few more buttons but essentially keeps both screens looking identical. Then I watch as he slyly tries to switch my old phone with my new phone and take it without me catching on.
How he even thinks to try this at his mere 2 1/2 years. 
So clever Declan, so very clever.

Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Animal Lover

Our Declan was off to Kelly's today. As usual he was very happy to get there and runs off to find toys soon a we arrive. Now Kelly has three of her own children and each has their own hamster. This morning her daughters hamster was in his cage in the daycare room. As Kelly and I are chatting we look over and see Declan laying in his belly staring into the cage at the hamster. 
Kelly says "awe, look at this. Declan needs a pet."
To which I respond "he already has one. The cat. And also he's two."
In excited about little day trips/adventures now though since he's more observent of animal now.

Sunday, 20 July 2014

Sundays With Daddy

Always a chill day with Daddy. 
I did get to hang on the couch with Declan for a few minutes before heading off to work. He was checking out his new phone, seeing what it can do.

Then after I went to work my two guys went shopping at Walmart together and then sent me photos of their haul. Kid is spoiled.

Saturday, 19 July 2014

Fast Feet

I love when I get home, I'm at the front door and about to unlock the door when I hear little feet running towards the door and an adorable laughter from the other side. When I open the door I get an enthusiastic "Mommy!" followed by a long incoherent rambling. Oh and a hug. I also get the hug.

He's a good runner now too. Last evening after a little visit to the Milton Car Show Declan was giving his all. From Main Street all the way to the car, while holding my hand he was running. He was yelling "Go! Go! Go!" And each time we had to stop to cross a road he'd say "I go fast". And he did.

Also yesterday Declan inherited my old iPhone. This afternoon Daddy was cleaning the floor at the front door when he wondered what Declan was up too. Pretty quiet and entertaining himself Daddy needed to check.
There he found him, on the couch with his new "hand me down" phone listening to Phineus and Ferb songs.
Such a cool kid.

Thursday, 17 July 2014

Lovin My Simple Life

Wasn't too hot today so it was perfect for a visit to a park. The one I chose was perfect size for Declan as he could get up an onto the slides all on his own. He was walking around like he owned the place.

...and I almost forgot. Two day ago when Declan said quietly "Declan kisses."
I said "What's that buddy?"
Declan said "Declan kiss."
I asked "oh you want a kiss!?!"
Declan said "yes".

So I kissed him.

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Kid Play

When I drop Declan off at daycare I hang around for a little while and chat with Kelly. This means that I get the opportunity to watch My little man playing with his friends. It makes me so happy. He's giggling, they run around together, they show each other books and chat away. I know that we made a very good decision when Tyler and I chose Kelly to be Declan's daycare provider. We would make sure he went there two times a week even if we won millions and didn't need daycare. He'd miss his little friends far too much.

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

The Steps to Get Here

I love my time with Declan. 
Got him out of bed this morning about 7am. We headed downstairs for some bottle and he asked me to put in the "Meckanah Movie" or what is actually the "Lego Movie". We watched for a short while before going back upstairs to his room to play with some of his toys. I love watching him discover new thins about old toys and generally seeing what grabs his interest. He helped complete four small puzzles put everything back properly when he was done. Next we were back downstairs where he requested we watch "Monsters University" which was great. I hadn't seen it in a while and he actually day and watched this movie. When it ended he asked me to put in the movie Robots but while it was on we barely paid attention but instead we played with his cats, trains and robots for so long. 
Declan is so much fun. We really are lucky to have such a fun, generally easy kid. Looking closely at him today and I was thinking of everything that happened so Tyler and I would come together and build his little family. How wonderful that any challenges before were the steps to here with him. So worth it.

Monday, 14 July 2014

Shares Stories

I had to work inventory last night and wasn't home until nearly 1am. Daddy had to work an overnight so he left around 7pm and didn't get in until about 5am. That meant Grandma was on Declan duty. She came by for about 6pm so her and Declan had some time to visit before he was off to bed at 7pm. Then Grandma listened to Declan chatting away in bed for almost two hours. Pooh Bear, Bunny and Monkey sure get an earful. Grandma spent the night and was here with me this morning to get Declan off to Daycare while Daddy slept unbeknown to the little man. 

After a day at Kelly's Daddy picked Declan up and was treated to stories about how Mommy and Grandma were at home in the morning. It's amazing listening to his huge vocabulary and how good he is with his sentences and getting his point across but at the same time it's so weird. It's hard to believe that he's become this little person. 

Saturday, 12 July 2014

Yup, He Loves Me

We'd had quite a morning together in the backyard. I put mulch in the gardens and reshaped one of the gardens, moved some rocks and put down some grass seed. All the while Declan played with his pail, shovels and rake, picked up rocks, put piles of dirt on the lawn and then made mud soup in the hood of his car. So much fun. Good times hosing everything down after including the both of us. 
Then we moved inside. I had to get showered and dressed for work while he ate his lunch. After lunch we had a little time to play with his robots. I'm down at his level when he stops what he's doing, looks me in the eyes, then comes closes and plants one on me, right on the lips. Then back to playing. The unsolicited affection is my favourite. As sweet as his little kisses are it's the look he gives me right before he does it that I love the most. In that second I can see in his eyes that he's find of me. It's awesome.

Friday, 11 July 2014


When I dropped Declan off at Kelly's this morning she gave me two new toy transformers for Declan to bring home. He took a quick look at them and I told him they would be at home later. While Declan was at daycare Daddy opened them and put them together and set them out for Declan to see soon as he got home. Lucky for me this was a rare day where I got to pick Declan up and bring him home. When we got in he saw the "Bobots" right away. Such a little boy, he had them fighting and flying through the air immediately. Non-stop for nearly an hour he played with them. Kelly did a great job picking those toys out for him. After dinner he was right back to them. Even as him climbed the stairs to bed this evening he couldn't stop talking about the "Bobots". I'm pretty sure he will dream about them tonight. So much fun this evening.

Thursday, 10 July 2014

Get Thee to a Stage

Tyler and I have never gotten angry or upset with Declan the few times he has gotten out of bed. We don't mind. We haven't given him any reason to believe that he's even being bad when he gets out. When I heard him playing with toys when he was just down for his nap I opened the door and found a frightened little boy in a pile of tos. He looked panicked and scared. He stood up and went right to his bed. I simply told him to have a good nap and rubbed him back. I have no idea why he acts like he just committed a terrible crime.

Now this mornig before I went into his room to get him up I heard him out of bed looking through him toys. Now he heard me walking around and knew I was coming. Not only did he quickly run back to bed and climb in but he laid down as though he'd been asleep. He even went so far as to sit up, all squinty eyed, acting like is just woken him up and said quietly "Hi Mommy." Oh kid I'm on to you. I knew you'd been out of bed. Now I am actually pretty impressed with the acting skills. Doesn't simply ensure he's back in the right place but te sell job too!?! He's good. Real good.

Overall he had a great day today. A visit to Auntie T's for a swim and hanging with cousins Mad and Josh. Pool time was fun even if he didn't actually swim with me at all, just his cousins.

Wednesday, 9 July 2014

New Character

Declan and I were walking down Main Street this morning in milton. A man is walking in the opposite direction and thus about to pass us. Declan just stops walking (I assumed it was because he is normally shy around Men).  I said "what's up Buddy?" While I am looking down at him. Then just as the man is passing us Declan whips the mans legs with his monkey.
Me total shock: "Declan! Why did you do that!?"
And then yelling out to the man "sorry about that sir!"

So that was new.

Daddy Text

So around 8pm last night, I hear the boy out of bed and he's picked up the bedroom end of the monitor and he's trying to play with it. So I go into his room and he freezes with guilt - he had pooped like nuts and his room stunk. So I changed his bum and put him back to bed. He was so cute and sweet. He almost told me he loved me.

Monday, 7 July 2014

Waiting Game

I must first mention that Declan is 3 feet, 2 inches tall now can't remember if I'd written this yet. He's getting to be taller than all the girls at daycare now even though he's younger than them all.

So after we put Declan to bed this evening he babbled on for about and hour. Then we could hear him walking around. Not wanting to disturb him we don't go check in on him. We let him pt himself back to bed. He was quiet within 30 minutes so I expect he's fast asleep back in bed. I just have to wait now and go in for my surprise in the morning.

Sunday, 6 July 2014

It Was Time

Found out this morning that when Daddy and Declan went to the Super Store yesterday there were fire trucks parked out front for people to look at. Declan was pretty excited at the "so big" fire trucks. Sad I had to miss it.

After breakfast this morning we had to do some errands then came home for lunch. We tried a new movie for Declan not sure if it would be too mature. 
Declan loved it. Wanted to watch it again after his nap as he liked the "Bobot movie". I was happy to have a break from the Lego Movie and the Muppet Movie for one day.

Declan's nap was great but he is getting more brave about getting out of bed. After leaving him for his nap I listened to him get out and walk around in his room for a bit. Then he climbed back into bed for a good 2 hr nap. Then he was up again and playing with toys when the nap was done. So far he's really well behaved when he gets out of bed.

And lastly before bed it was due time for a hair cut (it had been a couple months).
So many tears...and snot...he cried so hard but I did coax a few giggles and smiles out of him and he's got a fresh new hair cut.

Saturday, 5 July 2014


A while back our little Declan used to yell or cry when he didn't want something? It can be trying. And certainly it isn't acceptable long term behavior. I used to say to Declan "just say no then" but Daddy was firm and said "Declan. Just day 'no thank you.'"

Now we have a very polite yet sediment little 2 1/2 yr old.

"Declan want some breakfast?"
"No thank you!"

"Declan want watch a different movie?"
"No thank you!"

"Declan, time for a bath."
"No thank you!"


Thursday, 3 July 2014

Lego'd and Muppet'd to Death

Yesterday as I was getting ready for work and just minutes away from going and getting Declan up for daycare I could hear little feet running around his room. Naturally I try to sneak in and catch him in the act. So I try...and I caught him "almost" back in bed. He's all "Hi Mommy" like he just got up but I saw him makes those last moves from the floor to his bed. He thinks he has me fooled. What a stinker.

Then today I get Declan to myself for the morning. What movie does he want on the TV soon as he gets up? Why the Lego Movie of course. When it was over what did he want to watch? The Lego Movie again. Why not? And after two full viewings what does he want to watch? The Muppet Movie and let me get to the point...twice. He want to watch The Muppet Movie twice. I am going to have these films completely memorized. We will be able to act out the entire films at home in our living room.

So that was my morning.

Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Look Out Ladies

Discovered today that one of the little girls at daycare his her stuffed kitty in Declan's bag. What a little girl will do to get his attention. I do think my wee man is very comfortable with usually being the only little boy at daycare. Daddy got such a kick out of watching Declan exclaim "Bye Girls" as he was leaving Kelly's this afternoon. Then halfway to the car, stopping, turning around and yelling one more time "Bye Girls!"
He's priceless.

Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Canada Day Means Pool Day

As we were packing everything up to head over to Uncle Scott and Auntie T's house we did tell Declan he'd get to go swimming in their pool. So when we arrived, knocked on the door and Auntie T and Josh opened the door they were met with an enthusiastic "I go swimming!" From Declan.

He loves the pool.

Today was the first day he went in with his swimmer vest on and he loved it. So excited it's Bubble Guppies and also excited it's "my jacket" or so he says. 

In the pool right away with his cousin Maddison. She made the mistake of being fun. She would count "One, two, three" and lift him high and splash him back to the water. He liked it so much he demanded it over and over "Fun, two, three" he would yell so she'd do it again  (He can count. I think he's clever sometimes with the little things he does. This game was in fact "fun").

After I got in the pool with them Declan decided he wanted to go off the diving board. Kid is brave. Mad held one hand and I the other then we let him drop in from a sitting position off the diving board into the deep end. He would get water all in his face a few times. But choke on water or not he wasn't fazed and wanted more. Spent an hour in the pool before lunch and nap, then another hour back in the pool after his nap. He's a water toddler for sure!