Thursday, 2 August 2012

Stop Hitting Yourself

Oh how funny little man.  Declan continues to try and get that right foot of his in his mouth.  He's pulling it ever so close and then his hand slips off and he slaps himself in the face.  I can't help but laugh at him...and there he goes and tries again...and hits himself.  Too funny.

Declan is getting much stronger.  He can sit up by himself so long as we're on the ready for when he tips over.  He still has no fear so he doesn't try to stop himself from going over.  Mommy let him fall over once this evening just so he would know what happens and maybe try not falling over.  I don't think he learnt from it.  Too funny (he was fine).

This evening Declan decided he was not interested in going to bed.  Mommy tried to put him down at 8:15pm because he had a full tummy and was rubbing his eyes but then he simply cried over the monitor.  So we rescued him.  Mommy, Daddy and Declan hung out on the couch for another 45 minutes.  Declan must have thought his success in getting Mommy to come get him out of bed was hilarious because he was laughing and giggling in Mommy's face non-stop.  Madison even sent a text to Mommy to say that they could hear Declan upstairs because he was laughing so loudly.  What a little nutter.  Again, too funny.

Love him.

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