Sunday, 19 August 2012

Long Sleepy Ride Home

Today was the end of our visit back to Ottawa for Declan's Dr appointment and visits with family.  This morning little Declan woke at 4am and then again at 7am.  His nice routine is all messed up while we are on vacation.  Hope he gets back to normal back in Milton.

Declan actually fell asleep all by himself on the floor at Grandma's just before we all sat in for breakfast.  This was nice as we were able to enjoy our breakfast and eat together while he caught some zzzzzz's.  He did wake up at one point, stared out the window, looked back and Daddy and then was out again.  Just before we finished he finally woke up and wanted to socialize with us.  Daddy scooped him up and brought him over to the table.  Then Grandpa asked "Does he ever wake up in a bad mood?"
No he doesn't.  We're really very lucky.  Declan is a joy.
After Mommy finished eating she prepared Declan's breakfast and then held him on her lap at the table while Grandma fed him.  It is really nice that he's not a messy eater.  Finished all of his squash but once again was not interested in his peaches.  Now we fed Declan store bought baby food because we were out of town and I hope that this is why he didn't like the peaches.  We'll try again with some fresh ones prepared at home.

As Mommy and Daddy packed up everything for the drive home little Declan sat on Grandma's lap in the window and had his morning coffee.

Just kidding of course.  No coffee this young!

So the car was packed and we were off.  Declan didn't wait even 5 minutes before he passed out for a nice long slumber.  In fact he was more asleep in the care than away today.  When we finally stopped for a pee break Declan woke up and we changed him and gave him a bottle.  He managed to stay awake for about 1 hour.  Then he ate his dinner on the road and once again passed out.  This time for the remainder of the drive.  And a good solid, deep sleep.

This evening we all hung out on the floor with little D so he could stretch out his car legs and get in some play.  It was during this time that we noticed, while having a bum change, that little D has a big goose egg and bruise where he had one of his Menengitis vaccination.  Poor guy though he doesn't even seem to notice it's there.  He's tough.

8:30pm and he couldn't handle any more of the day.  Fell asleep on Mommy's lap and was easily carried off to his crib for the night.  What a good little traveller.

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