Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Soon a Little Independance

Another day, another park to discover. Today Declan and Mommy found a new park in the older part of Milton; Laurier Park. There were lots of old trees so finding shade was much easier. The park was really far away though and after treaking an hour to get there in the heat we decided we didn't feel like walking home. Daddy to the rescue! After getting home from work Daddy drove over to pick us up. Whew, just wasn't feeling the walk today. We had a nice time at the park though and it was sweet seeing little Declan notice when he Daddy showed up at the park. He gets really excited to see him.

This evening Declan was hanging out with Daddy in the Jolly Jumper.  First Daddy put Declan into another tickle trance by tickling his leg.  Declan just went into a tickle coma, starring off and staying very still.  Then he got a crazy burst of energy and the legs were a kicking.  He was certainly getting in a great workout tonight.

Next Daddy took the little man for a diaper change and to get into his jammies.  I could hear Declan from the other side of the house laughing and squealing.  I almost couldn't believe that what I was hearing was actually Declan because it was so loud.  Not sure what was so funny but I did hear that Declan stole Daddy's glasses right off his face so that might have been part of what he was laughing about.

And finally a sign of the independance that will come soon enough.  Our little guy, for a brief moment, was holding his own bottle and having a drink before bed.  Then he got sloppy and there was milk everywhere.  Oh well.  He needs the opportunity to try.

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