Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Simple Day at Home

Today was a pretty simple day with my little prince.  Up at 7am for his bottle and right back to bed.  U0p at 9:30am for good.  Just hanging out with my guy until breakfast sweet potato at 10:30am.  Day two of sweet potato was more successful.  No gag reflex and he ate a bit more than 1oz.  Declan sure was messy though and he sneezed part of the way through the meal which saw sweet potato all over his bib. He also had both hands in his mouth and rubbed his bib all over his face. Declan had sweet potato up his nose.  Hilarious.

Declan took a little nap after his breakfast and then not long after waking up he started fussing.  I tried story time, playtime, belly, side and sitting, tried his chair, tried his excersaucer, tried a bottle and tried cuddling but Declan would not calm down.  He cried for about one hour straight.  I am pretty certain he is teething even though we can't see teeth just yet.  Finally at 1:30pm Declan fell asleep on my lap and I didn't dare move.  I was so uncomfortable but it was nice that he finally calmed down and closed his eyes.

Declan was much better for the rest of the day after that nap.  Daddy came home from work and he brought Declan a new Curious George book which we read a couple times.

Today was a bath day for Declan.  We actually went a little long this time since his last bath - 5 days!! Declan smelled.  Sorry bud.

Since Declan is always rolling right over onto his back I laid down beside Declan and encouraged him to play with his toys on his side.  Later in the day after placing Declan down on his belly he actually stayed that way for a few minutes and reached for some toys.  Then he started whining and rolled to his back again. 

Little man is still having cereal for dinner and he eats it up without any fuss, entire 2 oz meal.  He is wide mouth and smiles.  I hope he can be this excited for his vegetables one day.

Tonight Declan fell asleep at 7:50pm but then woke up at 8:20pm crying so Mommy cuddled Declan for 5 minutes then took him to his crib and he's been asleep ever since. 

Nothing special planned for tomorrow just yet but Declan gets to meet another old friend of Daddy's this Friday and then on Saturday we get a visit from Grandma May, Auntie Marissa and Delcan's cousin Alex.  He is soooo excited.

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