Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Morning Visit

Our little Declan woke at 6:15am for his first bottle.  Right down to business and back to bed.  Now Grandpa and Grandma Gale were coming here for a morning visit so when I heard Declan waking up in bed after 9am I waited until they arrived to go get him up.  Grandpa and Grandma were first into Declan's room and I turned on the light.  They were the first faces the little man saw when he woke up.  Just a moment to register who had come to his crib side and then he started flashing his big warm smiles.  Declan was clearly happy to see his Grandparents were here!

He certainly is a morning person.  Very happy to have company, Declan didn't even want his bottle right when he woke up.  Instead he was enjoying his visitors, hanging with Grandma and hanging with Grandpa.  Only real crying came curteousy of an attack plane....that is, Grandpa was pretending Declan's bottle was an airplane and flying it into his mouth.  This was well received until the sneak attack (I'm assuming this is how Declan sees it) and our little man had a good cry.  Short lived thankfully and he was back to happiness and smiles for his visit.

Early evening Mommy and Declan were playing games and then Mommy started saying "Mom" over and over so Declan could try and repeat.  He was very intently working to form an 'M', pursing his little lips together.  He really is a very determined little man and then....."Mom". That's right! He actually said it.  Now I know he has no idea what he said nor could he easily repeat it at will but he did manage to mimic me and clearly said "Mom".  Declan is fabulous!!!

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