Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Couple of Firsts

In bed last night by 9pm and slept until he wanted a bottle at 6am. He was right back to bed and then up at 9:20am for the day. Mommy and Declan were off at 12:40pm for a nice long walk.  It was pretty warm out although overcast and fairly humid. Halfway through our walk just as we'd turned to start walking back Declan was crying a little for a bottle. I grabbed the bottle of water for him and that was when I realized I'd forgotten the formula powder at home. Now we were about 50 minutes from home at this point. I hoped that because it was warm out maybe Declan would simply be happy for any drink and I gave him the bottle with just water. For the first time little Declan drank water, nearly two ounces of it. Just enough that he could wait until we got home for a proper bottle. When we were about 15 minutes from home we started feeling light drips of rain which was accompanying soft thunder. I got out the plastic stroller cover and this time placed it over little Declan without pulling the stroller clamshell like canopies. This was so Declan could still see me and experience the rain drops on his cover.  Mere moments later the rain and wind kicked up  and the cover nearly  blew off the stroller and I had to affix it a different way to keep it tight and the rain just poured. Little Declan saw me just soaked in the downpour. I smiled and laughed it off as water ran down my face. I was soaked right through my clothing and my little Declan just stared at me with his big eyes. He survived his first experience watching a crazy storm in his stroller and really didn't seem to mind one bit. Now Declan went to bed just passed 9pm and Mommy and Daddy are exhausted...we'll be not far behind him.

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