Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Longest Day of the Year

Our little Declan is mastering a delightful little squeal. This morning Declan was playing with Mommy and he was babbling and squealing again and again. Auntie T and Uncle Scott were both quietly working away upstairs when they stopped and starred at each other realizing that they were both hearing Declan going on and on happily. Ahhh, happy baby sounds. Now not only was today the longest day of the year, it was also one of the hottest. With the humidity we hit temperatures in the 40's. It was hot! Mommy and Declan joined Hayley and Owen at Springridge Farm. We brought the boys in their strollers for a walk around the gift store and bakery section. Mommy had a small fresh peach juice which allowed the opportunity to see what Declan thought of it. I gave him a little drip from the end of the straw. Declan made a grimace which was then followed by some lip licking. I got another drip on the end of the straw and brought it towards his mouth which he excitedly took...made another grimace face followed by lip licking. This was repeated four times until Declan seemed to loose interest in it. I think he may like Peaches. Now while we were sitting enjoying our drinks we noticed a pen with some baby chicks inside. We brought the boys over and keeping a safe distance I showed Declan the five Chicks inside that were hatched May 5th. No reaction really but Declan was looking right at them and seemed to be taking in this new discovery. We then moved on to another shady place to look around but this area didn't have the breeze needed to tolerate the temperature. I looked down at my little Declan, who was all smiles and therefore I must assume not too bothered by the heat, and he had a little row of sweat beads across the bridge of his nose. So little, very cute. Declan was a pleasure today and in great spirits. After Mommy and Daddy had their dinner it was time for a shady pool swim. Auntie T, Uncle Scott and the kids were all out back so the three of us joined them. The water was a warm 87degrees and quite easy to get in. Declan seemed extremely comfortable in the pool. First a little swim time with Mommy and then Daddy and Declan hung out together in the shallow end. Declan was calm and content. In fact he was in the water a 1/2 hour and only came out because we simply thought he'd been in long enough. So glad he is not exhibiting fear of the water. Quite the opposite, he very comfortably relaxes in the water and this time even kicked his legs a little. So happy the summer has only just begun.

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