Wednesday, 7 September 2016

First Day of School Ever

The Muffin Man was eager and excited for his first day of school. He'd helped pick out his outfit last night before bed. This morning we looked at what is packed for his lunch and he added a couple snacks. Just before he put on his shoes he took Monkey upstairs and tucked him into bed to wait until he got home. Then he went back up and closed his bedroom door (you know, to keep him extra safe). Backpack on...and we were on our way.

We arrived at the school for 7:30am because Declan is a part of the before/after program. This means he gets to walk right into his classroom when we arrive.

I was able to see where his name tag/bag hook is and he got right into the toys immediately. I did get a hug and kiss but when I was walking out he literally blew me a kiss and was back to the toys. 
[Since I observed one child have a melt down when his Dad left and another try to make a break for it later during lineup I guess I should be pleased it was so easy for him to settle in].

At 8:30am the before care kids went out into the school yard to line up with the other kids arriving to start their first school day. I watched Declan run around a little before he noticed is come back. He ran over and tried to hug me through the fence but soon as he heard the school bell he yelled "school bell!!!" And ran to get in line. Guess he's been paying attention.

That was it. School had officially started and I had to wait the whole day to see how he did.

At 4:15pm Daddy got home, picked me up and we headed straight over to collect Declan from the end of his school day and the after care period. He was happy to see us. He was wearing an "I survived my first day of JK" paper hat he'd made and there was some more artwork in his backpack. He said he had a great day. He played with two girls but couldn't remember their names, he had marker on his hands and face, he used the classroom washroom without trouble, and says the best part of the day was playing with toys.

Pretty proud of my monkey. Hope he enjoys tomorrow as well.

Kid was tired end of the day.

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