Thursday, 8 September 2016

2nd Day of School

Declan woke up eager to go back to school. I asked if he was going to make some more friends today and he said "I already made friends with two girls." We had a great walk to school together this morning. Declan told me he'd like to have a squirrel, a bunny and a hamster as pets. I told him that he couldn't have a squirrel as a pet because they're wild animals and they are not to be kept inside as pets. Told him maybe when he's big and can handle the responsibility he could have a hamster for a pet. Declan's said "and a bunny." I asked "aren't you worried that Hunter would want to chase the bunny?"
Declan: "I'd get a bunny cage too." 
He told me they're just so cute.

When we arrived at school he didn't hesitate to get right in there to play and he said the day was good. He was sad that I didn't come back later to see him line up outside like I'd done yesterday. I had to explain how that was just a special first day of school thing. He was still disappointed.  He told us that he played Duplo, went outside, drew a flower on a thing you don't take home and he also drew two snakes but he didn't like them so he erased them. Told me he doesn't like snakes because they're all scary. He told me again that he made friends with two girls before changing the store to only one girl. I asked if she was pretty and he said "yeah." I don't know if it's the same girl but he told us a girl drew him a picture of 'space' to be nice. So...she gets him.

Another easy bedtime as Declan fell asleep soon as we said goodnight. Great start to the school year.

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