Saturday morning I was awaken by the Muffin Man standing at my bedside. I always hear him coming but this time he was already at my side when he spoke and woke me up. Startled me. He then hopped in between me and Daddy. Declan told us about the dream he'd had in the night.
"I was in a toy store and there was lots of toys but way at the top everything was so small. Then at the end Gramma and Pippa were there. I've never had a dream like that before."
The four year old mind is awesome.
Later at 10am Declan had his first Lacrosse practice/"game". We quickly got him dressed in his #8 red T-shirt, helmet and gloves then scurried him along to join the coach on the floor. Opened the door in the boards and let him go. He quickly ran over and joined in with the other kids. Rather impressive to his Mommy and Daddy who were both shy children. He paid attention somewhat, he did try what he was told. He couldn't grasp scooping up the ball but he did a decent job of throwing it. After about 30 minutes he complained of being sweaty, and hungry, and tired and his helmet hurt. Thinking it couldn't be much longer I told him to keep at it just a few more minutes but after another five he was over to me in tears. Declan had met his limit. He'd done a great job and there were others having already given in or who were crying. I took off his helmet and let him sit on my knee for another two minutes until the coach called it. Very proud of his efforts and he said he had fun once we were in the car. Aunti T, Mad, Gramma and Poppa had all come out to see him which he was very happy about. Here's hoping next week goes at least as well.
After a solid afternoon nap we headed off to Chelsey's house so the two could play for a few hours. They are so good together. They can trash a room real good but then again at some point before bed they cleaned up the playroom because none of us adults did it and it was spotless when we checked after the two of them were off to bed. Crazy!
Together again for a while this morning and then it was home for us.
Busy day. We got Declan's new lacrosse stick shortened, got two balls to practice with, played in the backyard for a couple hours and the kid went to be super easy.
He did need to get up briefly to poop. When he did that's when he said we forgot about Pooh and Bunny. He meant we forgot to put them in bed with him.
"Actually buddy we mistakenly left them at Chelsey's. She going to take good care of them until we see her next and can get them back."
"Oh ok."
"They're kind of on vacation."
And Declan busted out laughing.
So we dodged a bullet there. Hope to get them back soon.