Thursday, 22 October 2015

We Need a Vacation

Yesterday was a great day. Had the day off so I got in a full day of Declan. First off he climbed into bed with me at 4:30am. Then we both went back to sleep until just past 6:30am. I gave him my phone to watch a couple video and then we got out of bed at 7:30am because his belly grumbled and he was hungry.

What a nice long sleep in!!!

Later that morning we visited Whipper Snipperz (aka The Thankful Haircut Place) for a new hair cut. Declan was great, listened well and was very polite. We stayed about 10 minutes longer so he could play with a few toys and when I said it was time to go, he cleaned them all up and put them away. I was proud of the little monkey.

The usual reward, Declan got a Kinder egg for being such a good boy. After his nap we just sat on the couch, the three of us together, just hanging out. Declan was leaning back into me. Loved it. Our little family.

Then today, very little Declan time. It was a Kelly day but I had to work late so I wouldn't see him before his bedtime. He told Daddy he was sad. This morning when I dropped him off at Kelly's he was really emotional and didn't want to let go of me. Seems like it's just time for a few days off and some concentrated family time.

If only we had a winning ticket.

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