Saturday, 17 October 2015


When I left for work this morning at 6:40 am both boys were still sound asleep.
Note: REALLY? Couldn't sleep in past 6:30am for ME when it's my day off but for Daddy? Actually I'm just glad they were both getting some needed rest.
Around 8am I got a call at work because Declan wanted to talk to me. Daddy put him on the phone and he proceeded to tell me that he had a bad dream. He said he had a dream that he disappeared from his bed and then he came back and that it was scary.
First of all, how cute. I love that he can actually talk to me on the phone. I've said it before but 3 1/2 rocks.
And secondly, what has happened that he's now having scary thoughts? Where did this come from? Kind of weird and creepy.

Now when I got home from work Declan told me all about his fun day with Daddy. I then asked him again to tell me about his dream. He told me he disappeared from bed and was in the car. "I was in the car with you Mommy." So I asked what he was doing in the car. He told me we were going to the grocery store or Walmart and then he was back in his bed and it was a bad dream.
Now I'm thinking maybe this was the first time Declan has experienced a realistic dream. Perhaps the feeling of having actually been in the car and then waking in his bed was weird or uncomfortable for him. So either his imagination is developing or he's just experiencing new "life" things. Either way it's pretty cool being a part of his world.

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