Saturday, 31 October 2015

Sure He's Happy (but I'm the most happy)

Declan's 4th Halloween was a hit! One little kid, 3 Grandparents and his Mommy. That's quite the entourage. Daddy was home on Candy duty. Each house he'd visit and he'd check to make sure his "friends" we're still there. Batman skills were on full display.

At one house Declan got a bag of chips and some chocolate. He didn't move. Just stood there with his pumpkin bag in the receiving position. The lady turned away, grabbed some more candy, then proceeded to hand some out to the new kids that had arrived and Declan, again. He double dipped!!!

At another house he got a few chocolate bars, then glanced in the bowl and declared "I like Smarties!" She ended up letting him reach in and take a box of Smarties. 

He's 3 1/2 and he's putting it over on adults. Skills.

Pretty excited to check out his treats when we got home. He nicely wanted to share with Poppa. So much energy, so much running around, little man was so excited and so happy. 

I was so happy too. So happy that for a couple hours he got to be the whole of everyone's attention. He just loved it!

...and that's makes me just the happiest.

Friday, 30 October 2015

Real Friends

Guess I don't need to fell badly that Declan has been going to Kelly's more often (4 days a week instead of 2-3). This morning he climbed into my bed and asked if "today a Kelly day?"
"No buddy, not today."
"But I miss my friends."

So I'm very happy he enjoys the time he spends with his little friends: Nihal, Natalya, Nicholas and Baby Matteo.

Then I told him the reason why was that Grandma
Was coming from Ottawa today.

He was so excited. He also kept
Reminding me that for Halloween he was also getting a visit from "Gramma and Poppa".

I'm just so happy for Declan. He must feel very loved and very special and of course that makes me so happy.

Watching him this evening playing with Grandma brought a lot of happiness to his Daddy and I.

Tomorrow!! He's Batman!!!

Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Lego Friend?

Not a day goes by where Declan goes to Kelly's that he doesn't start off by watching videos on my phone. I'm getting dressed, hair done, etc and he's giggling away over YouTube videos.

This evening I'm looking for a photo on my phone and see that he took a screen shot while he had my phone this morning.

Guess he likes Lego Friends.

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Early Mornings

Two days in a row so far this week I've had to wake Declan up. 6am and he wants to stay in bed. I go in and rub his back, he keeps his eyes closed but smiles big and he's cuddling monkey.

The time change this Sunday should be easy to adjust too.

Busy week. Day shifts Monday through Thursday. Hard because I don't get enough Declan time but the welcome I get when I get home is amazing. Declan runs full out yelling "Mommy! Mommy!" And wraps his arms around me.

And so polite. I brought home new rain boots for him. "Thank you for my new rain boots Mommy." The best!

Sunday, 25 October 2015

Two 3 1/2 Years Olds Don't Sleep

A very excited little man got to visit his friend Chelsey yesterday evening. Truth be told he's mostly interested in her toys but he does enjoy spending time with her too. It's been since our end of summer cottage vacation that they'd seen each other. Good times. We thought it could be a good idea for them to sleep in the same room; Chelsey in her bed and Declan on the mattress on the floor.

Giggles, and giggles, and giggles. Chelsey on the mattress with Declan, then Declan moves into her bed, more giggles. Nearly three hours past their bedtime before we got them to actually sleep. 

Then Declan was upset because he thought I was going to sleep in there with him.  He has his priorities right!

Friday, 23 October 2015

I'm Trouble

Long work day got me home past Declan's bedtime. A quick hello to Daddy and he tells me to get up there to see Declan before he's asleep. I sneak in and turn in the light. Declan is wide awake and so excited to see me. I know he's got his routines but I just needed to see him. We have the day together tomorrow but I just wanted a couple more minutes with the mini man so I did. 20 minutes later and he was tucked back in for sleeping.

Texts from Daycare today:

"Best line of the day...

Declan, who's your favourite friend in the daycare. 


Oh that's nice.

I like Mommy too.  Kelly and Mommy are my favourite girls.

I love this kid!!"

And the 2nd text from Kelly today:

"At lunch he said to Nihal;

Why are you brown, you are supposed to be white lol

I told him that his parents are brown,  that's why he is. 


Let the embarrassing public moments commence!!!

Thursday, 22 October 2015

We Need a Vacation

Yesterday was a great day. Had the day off so I got in a full day of Declan. First off he climbed into bed with me at 4:30am. Then we both went back to sleep until just past 6:30am. I gave him my phone to watch a couple video and then we got out of bed at 7:30am because his belly grumbled and he was hungry.

What a nice long sleep in!!!

Later that morning we visited Whipper Snipperz (aka The Thankful Haircut Place) for a new hair cut. Declan was great, listened well and was very polite. We stayed about 10 minutes longer so he could play with a few toys and when I said it was time to go, he cleaned them all up and put them away. I was proud of the little monkey.

The usual reward, Declan got a Kinder egg for being such a good boy. After his nap we just sat on the couch, the three of us together, just hanging out. Declan was leaning back into me. Loved it. Our little family.

Then today, very little Declan time. It was a Kelly day but I had to work late so I wouldn't see him before his bedtime. He told Daddy he was sad. This morning when I dropped him off at Kelly's he was really emotional and didn't want to let go of me. Seems like it's just time for a few days off and some concentrated family time.

If only we had a winning ticket.

Tuesday, 20 October 2015


Two days ago I told Declan about the Sandman. I told him he would fly by and sprinkle sand over our eyes to ensure a good night sleep. I also told him it wasn't real but that it was a nice story and a neat way to explain the stuff in the corner of our eyes in the morning.

This morning I went to wipe clean his eyes and he asked "Is there sand from the Sandman Mommy?"
I told him there was.

This evening when I got home I asked Declan if he'd told Daddy about the Sandman to which Daddy enthusiastically jumped in and said that he did.

My little Monkey. Photographic Memory, notices and remembers everything. Kids really are little sponges. I love observing my little sponge in action.

Monday, 19 October 2015


Daddy and I both sitting on the couch but at different ends.

Declan walks up to me and says "I love you so much Mommy" and then walks away.

Daddy "Hey. What about me?"

Declan looks at Daddy. His little face turns so sad. He walks over to Daddy. "Sorry Daddy. I love you so much too."

Then they have a sweet moment with little whispers just between them. They're both smiling.

My heart beaming.

Sunday, 18 October 2015

Just a Sunday

Daddy and Declan let me sleep in to 9am!!!!!! Great start to the day!!

Late in the morning Declan ensured I kept my promise to decorate for Halloween. We hit the Dollar store and got some spooky hanging skulls for the tree and a spiderweb with spiders for inside. He also picked out a light up spider ball and a little wooden coffin to play with. Declan loves spooky Halloween!!

We also visited Mastermind Toys so Declan could just look around. No surprise, he wants everything. I think Declan's first letter to Santa will be a big one.

When we got home he requested pancakes for lunch. No long as he helped.

After nap time we got in some Lego Ninjago play time.

Got a kick out the difference between a picture he doesn't realize you're taking...

And one he poses for...

Oh dear.

And then just before bath and bedtime Declan decided since I was still coughing that he should make me better...and in comes Dr. Batman.

He checks my heart, my blood pressure, my eyes and throat, he gives me medicine, he sits beside me and reads my chart and mumbles something about being out of bandaids. 

He has a pretty good bedside manner.

Then he tells me how much he's going to miss me tomorrow while he's at Kelly's.

Good day.

Saturday, 17 October 2015


When I left for work this morning at 6:40 am both boys were still sound asleep.
Note: REALLY? Couldn't sleep in past 6:30am for ME when it's my day off but for Daddy? Actually I'm just glad they were both getting some needed rest.
Around 8am I got a call at work because Declan wanted to talk to me. Daddy put him on the phone and he proceeded to tell me that he had a bad dream. He said he had a dream that he disappeared from his bed and then he came back and that it was scary.
First of all, how cute. I love that he can actually talk to me on the phone. I've said it before but 3 1/2 rocks.
And secondly, what has happened that he's now having scary thoughts? Where did this come from? Kind of weird and creepy.

Now when I got home from work Declan told me all about his fun day with Daddy. I then asked him again to tell me about his dream. He told me he disappeared from bed and was in the car. "I was in the car with you Mommy." So I asked what he was doing in the car. He told me we were going to the grocery store or Walmart and then he was back in his bed and it was a bad dream.
Now I'm thinking maybe this was the first time Declan has experienced a realistic dream. Perhaps the feeling of having actually been in the car and then waking in his bed was weird or uncomfortable for him. So either his imagination is developing or he's just experiencing new "life" things. Either way it's pretty cool being a part of his world.

Friday, 16 October 2015

They're Honest

3 1/2 is a great age for you to view the world through (although sometimes it's embarrassing).

"Did you have a fun day today?"


"Were your friends there?"

"Yup. Nicholas, my new baby (he meant Mateo), girl Talya (or Natalya) and Take Nihal."


"Take Nihal."


"TAKE Nihal cuz he takes my toys."

Oh my. Just priceless.

So Daddy tells me how Declan was a big boy and helped bring out the garbage and recycling the other day. Some 20' something friend of our neighbour was walking by, scruffy beard, rather disheveled looking. Declan point and says confidently (AKA loudly) "That guy looks funny!" 
"Shh Declan don't say that."

"But he does look funny!"

"Declan. Don't say that about anybody."


And poor Daddy survives embarrassment. 
I love this story.

Thursday, 15 October 2015

Ball Pit

Declan and I hadn't been to Skedaddle Kids in months. He asked me about it two weeks ago so since we had some time today I thought we'd be good for a visit.

When we got there he went right away to claiming up the big ramp to the top of the slides. First time he could climb that ramp without some assistance. At the top I told him to wait for me and we'd go down the slides side by side (I know they're big and fast) but he didn't pause at the top to wait for me. Down he flew. Declan is still cautious by nature so that was it. He didn't want to go down the slides again. In fact all he wanted to do was play with the baby toys. 

If we're just playing with toys we can do that at home.

So finally he moved into the ball pit - which he loved. Whew. Spent a half hour just in there.

Tells me when we got home that he wants to go back again. Of course we can but we will wait until he's confident with the big slides at the park before we go back to an inside playground that isn't free.

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

New Baby

Declan was excited to be going to Kelly's today because he said he missed his friends.

When I got home and asked how his day was he said "Great!" And told me they got a new baby.

"Is it a boy or a girl."

"It's a baby."

"Yes, but a boy baby or a girl baby?"

"A boy."

"How old?"

"Seven. Seven." And he giggles.

"Well ok. Does he walk or crawl?"

"He crawls, like this." And Declan crawls for me. "And he takes my toys."

"Well if he's little you be nice and share toys."

"Was your friend Nihale there?"

"He's not my friend. He takes my toys."

"Well he's still your friend. You said before he's your friend."


"Oh. Was she there?"


"You like girls?"


My peanut.

And he asked to sleep in his Superman shirt. I said ok. He fell asleep immediately when he went to bed at 7pm. Whew!

Monday, 12 October 2015

My Boy

I've noticed some changes in the kid lately. He's really being such a typical little boy. Stops to kick the leaves, playing with his toys means his toys fights my toy and he's started throwing himself into furniture or me just cuz. 

And he's happy.
Just starts movin' and swayin' and humming for no reason.

Asked him yesterday "what's your favorite food to eat?" Without skipping a beat he rhymes off "Vanilla Yogurt, Milk and Medicine."

Tonight he tells me to "stop hugging" him. I said "I thought it would be a lot longer before you said that. Oh well. Someday you won't even want to live here."

"But why?"

"That's usually what happens. You can stay forever but maybe one day you'll want to get married. Do you remember who you're going to Marry?"

"I don't know."

"Maybe you haven't met them yet."

"I know. I'm going to Marry you!"

Love being his favorite girl....for now.

Oh and how could I forget the too cute moment yesterday when he bought new shoes!

Saturday, 10 October 2015

Phone Call

Just a normal day. Had to work 1pm to 10pm so I miss the little man. It's pretty cool that he's old enough that I could call him on my break and have a proper conversation. Best part being, of course, when he told me he loved me. 

Such a lucky Mom.

Friday, 9 October 2015

Big Difference

After a night with no more than two hours sleep (thanks fall cold!) I'm pretty much lethargic and content to just lay on the couch and watch Declan drag every toy out of storage to numerous areas of the TV room. After a while he tell me he's hungry. I gladly offer to get him what he wants to eat after he puts half the toys away.

So. Much. Drama.

He lays on the tears, big open mouth wail and "I don't wanna put my toys away-ay-ay-ay." With more tears and the occasional need to slap the furniture.

I go prepare his food and tell I'm it's ready once he's done what I asked.

His next strategy "you need to wipe my nose and face. YOU NEED TO WIPE MY FACE!"
Which I do. Gently even. Then hold my ground.

He cleans half of the toys and then I invite him to sit down for some food.

Later in the morning while I'm texting Daddy there are once again toys everywhere. Daddy tells me he's bringing home two more Halloween Lego Mini Figures for Declan but he tells me to tell Declan he gets them only if his toys are cleaned up.

I pass the message to Declan who then runs around (seriously, RUNS AROUND) to clean up his toys.

Declan really is the best fun ever.

Thursday, 8 October 2015

Talk, Talk, Talk, Talk, Talk

Came home to find Daddy losing his mind. Declan can talk non-stop. Just goes on and on and on. Questions after questions (the trick Daddy is that he knows the answers. Don't try to answer him just say "I don't know, what do you think" and he puts in all the effort for you.)

I asked Declan how he was feeling and he said he had a "bad cough and his nose was all stuffed." Poor guy but so cute when he said it.

And later in the evening "ok. Here's the deal..."
Yes those words come from my child's mouth. 
He's already an adult.

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Call Me Gramma

The Muffin Man just had three whole days of Gramma time!! Tuesday and Wednesday mornings with both Daddy and I at work when Declan woke, he snuck into bed to cuddle Gramma. While his cool little body make have shocked her when he snuggled in, Declan told Gramma he was toasty warm.

No disturbing my sleep after I got in around 8am each morning, the two of them hung out in his "Toy Room."

They spent so much time together that Declan kept accidentally calling me "Gramma" all night. Glad they had fun!

Monday, 5 October 2015

Our Naptime

Little man really didn't want to take a nap today. He needs it though, plus I needed one because I have a nasty cold. Decided we would nap together.
Maybe not the best idea.
He finally slept for an hour but not until he had tooted up a storm (stinky) and put stickers all over me, his stuffed animals, the bed and the floor.
He's precious.

Saturday, 3 October 2015

Scavenger Hunts

New game we've been playing is a scavenger hunt. Set up so that even 3 years olds can play you use pictures of things in your house to direct the player to where to find the next clue/card. Declan just loves it. I love it too. Watching him think through his next steps and bolt off to get the next clue is just astonishing. So hard to fathom how one goes from a little baby who can barely sit up to this bright, independent little being, discovering the world around him. How does this happen? And how lucky am I to bear witness to this progression. "Mom" Best. Job. Ever.

Thursday, 1 October 2015

What's That Mommy?

Early in the morning, drive to daycare, we were on Kelly's street and Declan's asking me "what's that Mommy?"

"Where Declan?"

"In the sky. It's bright."

"Maybe it's the moon you see?"

"No. It's not the moon. It a star. A pretty, pretty star. Just one Mommy."

"That sounds beautiful. I'll take a look when we stop."

When we pulled over I saw it. The bright star he noticed and then there was the moon too.

"Look Declan, the moon is out too."

"Wow! There it is. I haven't seen you in a long, long time."

'Stopping to smell the roses' sure is easy when you share your days with a 3 1/2 year old.