Friday, 14 November 2014

All Mine

What a great day. Today I pretty much had Declan to myself the entire day. We watched cartoons this morning for about an hour then out on the Lego Movie. Just relaxed and hung out until about 10am.

When I got him dressed he wanted to know where "Captain 33" was. The sweatshirt he wore yesterday. It's a hand-me-down and apparently a hit. "It's in the laundry Declan." 

Next we drive to Poppa's house to drop off Declan's old Jolly Jumper and pick up some Christmas light for the house. As we were leaving Declan said "Bye Poppa!" And I said "Bye Dad." Declan got cross with me and said "Not Dad! Poppa!" So I said "Bye Poppa" and laughed.

After Poppa's we drove to Canadian Tire to see Christmas. As we stepped in side Declan could immediately see the trees and giant outdoor decorations. He ran! Ran right over and started shouting "There's a red one and a green one and over there and that one...!" He was thrilled. Declan spent about 10 minutes opening and closing the little numbered doors of a traditional style Advent Calendar. Then he discovered the toy isle. He listed all the super heros he could find and kept going back to the Rescue Bot Dinosaur Transformer. He'd run away into the next isle, then come right back and find it again. Another customer in the store kept laughing at him and his excitement. 

As fun as he was having he didn't cooperate with me at all in looking for decorations for the house so all we got was a snow shovel for the house and a matching Spider-Man snow shovel for Declan. He better help good!!

Some lunch and then it was time for home and his nap. He slep soundly and for the full 2 1/2 hours. All the Canadian tire excitement wore him out.

After his nap Daddy gave him a present: the Phineus and Ferb Star Wars Movie. 
First he came running when we told him Daddy had a surprise for him. Then he wanted the movie on right away.

Really cute was watching him play with his Phineus and Ferb figurines while he watched the new movie.

Overall it was such a fun day. Can't wait until he gets up tomorrow morning!

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