Saturday, 15 February 2014

Slowly Letting the Air Out of a Balloon

With the firm exception of a diaper change Declan is so very cooperative. When it's nap time or bedtime he grabs Monkey and Pooh Bear and heads off to his room happily. He puts items in the garbage, he brushes his hair (he tries), gets his own fish crackers out of the bag and now he brushes his own teeth. Declan can hold the brush and you can hear he's actually getting his teeth. He is loving his growing independence. 

This afternoon when we were all home I his in Declan's fort. He came looking for me and laughed when he found me sitting inside. Then we both hid from Daddy but soon enough he was onto us. Tyler came over and tapped on the top which illicited a bout of laughter from my Muffin Man. Then Tyler peaked his head inside and Declan couldn't contain his excitement. He let out a loud, high pitched and long squeal. His cousin Madison asked me what was going on down hear as she could hear what sounded like a slow letting out of air from a balloon. Nope. Just my kid. 

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