Monday, 17 February 2014

Family Day

The three of us went swimming at the Milton Sports Center. Declan hadn't been in a pool since the summer and this was his first time since he learned to walk.
While we waiting with the other swimmers for the doors to the pool to open our little Declan reached for Daddy's hand. Sweet. We don't find ourselves standing around in crowds too often and our little man felt safer if he felt Daddy's grip. Doors opened and we headed in. There is a ramp into the water so we brought Declan that way so he could enter te water gradually. He was quite smiley when he saw the pool and he was happy to go in the water. When it got to be waist deep he needed both our hands to keep going. It is great to see that he isn't afraid of the water. He loved to splash and enjoyed being thrown in the air. What he liked most of all was playing on the large steps. This way he could stand on his own in the water and play with as many balls as he could get his hands on. Since he was standing and playing all on his own he did stumble and go under about 5 times. Each time he came up, looked surprised, coughed a little and just kept on playing. He's tough.
He was so much fun and he was such a good kid. 

Back at home we got in lots of play time today. Poor guy is still a stumbler though. He tripped and went down biting the inside of his lip. It's horrible but I liked him cuddling into me in tears. He's ok so I just got to enjoy that he needed me.

After tonight's bath:
"Oh he's shivering" to which Declan said "cuz it's cold". We got a good laugh out of that.

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