Thursday, 28 March 2013

Makes Me Smile

I brought Declan to daycare this morning. Early morning for him, we got there at 6:45am. I sat on the steps with Declan for about 10 minutes so he could settle in. Then I said "it's time for me to go bud" and he looked up at me and then snuggled in. He wasn't yet ready for me to leave. We sat for just a minute more then he leaned away turned toward the play area and started crawling off. Kelly put the toy bin down for him so he crawled quicker over to grab some dinky cars (I've been told he prefers toy cars to most other toys at daycare). As he sat digging the cars out from the pile I said "goodbye Declan, have a good day" and he looked back at me and smiled. He's the best!

Daddy picked Declan up from daycare. When he arrives Kelly holds Declan up so he can practice walking toward Daddy. It's hilarious. There's no weight on his legs. He simply mimics what he 'sees' of walking by moving his feet along at a quick pace. Actually he kind of looks like a marionette.

Daddy asked how Declan's day was and Kelly said he was really good. Plays well, eats great, naps are no problem as he goes right down. She said she's certain his teachers in school will find him to be such an easy cooperative kid.

He's still just over a year old. We'll see what 2 & 3 bring.

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