Monday, 4 March 2013

1 Year Checkup

Started off the day with some humour. Sitting at the breakfast table with Mommy, Daddy, Grandma and Grandpa. Declan was eating scrambled eggs when he coughed and egg flew right across the table. Luckily Grandma had just picked up her coffee so it was spared the egg floaters.

Then we said our goodbyes and headed off to Declan's 1 year Dr. appointment.
Height: 79.5 cm This kid is already 2 1/2 feet tall. This puts him just under the 90th percentile for height.
Weight: 24lbs. I thought for sure he was heavier. This puts him just under the 75th percentile for weight.
His communication is on track as he can say three distinct sounds. His hips and legs look great and this weekend he was standing on his own at the couch...big moments little man!
He's a healthy little guy.

Then he had to sit on Daddy's lap while Daddy held his arms tucked in. He then had two needles at the same time. Yup, he cried. Then the third needle in his right arm. Poor muffin. So many tears. I grabbed him and tried to comfort him. There were sniffles. Then I sat him down in the bed so he could tear at the paper cover and the tears stopped. He was interested in ripping the paper. Tough guy got over it pretty fast.
Still took a lot out of him though. He slept for 1 1/2 hrs in the car after that and had another 1 hr nap before dinner just after we got back from Ottawa. He was exhausted. In bed by 7:30pm and he was cuddly all evening which I didn't mind one bit.
Here's hoping he's forgotten all about it in the morning.

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