Sunday, 6 January 2013

Fun with Cars

Made sure the muffin man got in some good tummy time.  Put him down in a nice open area and got out his two new cars that zoom forward when you power them by pulling back on them.  Declan was kicking his legs like crazy.  Looked like he thought he was swimming.  He had lots of energy and was a smiley pants.  He reached for the cars when they got close to him and there were some giggles.  The biggest laugh when one of the cars zoomed right into his armpit.  He wiggled and pushed back enough that he'd moved about 2 feet from where I'd put him down. 

Decided perhaps I should try getting him to stand at the furniture.  Put his hands up on the chair and held him in a standing position and whoops he lifts up his feet.  Put him down and then held him in the standing position again and whoops, there he goes, lifts his feet up again.  He's so stubborn.  I was persistant and finally got him to stand on his own for about...hmmm...3 seconds before he sat down.

Just going to make certain to keep getting him on his tummy and encouraging him to stand and perhaps eventually the little guy will find the motivation.

Oh...and we read one of his new books from Christmas.  The one he received from his Auntie T and Uncle Scott.  The Monster at the End of this Book.  There is just no way he 'gets' the idea of the story or understand the humour but he sure makes you believe that he does.  Declan smiles at me and laughs in all the right places.  He's an actor.

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