So happy. I had the day off today and Declan all to myself. It was great getting him up this morning and just relaxing with his bottle, monkey, Phineus & Ferb. Still a morning guy, I just love how cute he is in the morning. We shared breakfast: cereal hrs and yogurt then popped upstairs for a mini visit with Auntie T
The morning nap seemed to come so quickly. Before I knew it our morning was over and Declan was down for his morning nap. I got his things ready and as soon as he woke up he was changed into a cute sweater and jeans and we left for Daddy's work. Declan was so happy to see Daddy...and Mark. Declan remembered Daddy's coworker - Mark - from when they were over at Marks house for a visit. He was very happy there.
Then we dropped into Babies r us (toys R us) so that my Muffin Man could figure what he'd like for his Birthday next week. He picked out a fun toy...more on that next week.
It was mid-afternoon so we decided from there to drive over to Gramma and Poppa's for a nice visit. Declan was such a good boy. He was also all over the place. At one time he actually had both knees in the correct position, hands nicely in front...the perfect crawl position but...nope...still doing it the hard way but he does get around. Poppa got some great giggles from the Muffin Man before we left when he was kissing Declan's neck.
Then we were on our way home and Declan took his afternoon nap in the car. He had great nap face when we got home. A perfect imprint of the jacket material in his left cheek. Well when we got home Daddy was there so Declan was quite happy.
In the evening we gave Declan a I was soaked...Declan played along happily. After getting him dried off, diapered, lotioned and jammed, we took a look at his new farm book.I decided to make the animal noises for D and when I made the Goat "Blah" Declan mimicked me making a sort of goat sound and made himself laugh. So hard. He practically choked he was laughing and giggling so hard. Wondered what he thought was so darn funny. When Declan went down for bedtime he reached through the bars and played with the giant sheep's ears. First time he's done that even though they've been there all along. Declan is the best.
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