Wednesday, 30 January 2013

With Mobility Comes Ouchies

Declan went to daycare today. Kelly and I were watching Declan getting on all fours when we saw him loose it and go face first into the hardwood. We both froze and waited for tears...and nothin'. Kid is getting tough. He had a nice red spot on his forehead but it was gone before Daddy picked him up at the end of the day.

Then...the bed...
Daddy brought D home from daycare and as per routine sat him down on our bed while he was putting things away. He was standing at the end of the bed looking down and just as he looked up he saw "The Fall". Daddy watched what seemed slow motion, Declan's head and one arm sliding of the side of the bed, then just at his head slipped off his little body did a flip over and he managed to land on the floor on his backside and even kept his head up from hitting the floor. Daddy ran over and just stood over him in anticipation of the tears...and yes they came. First shock and then the loudest cry and the tears. Daddy had to comfort him. Poor Declan, poor Daddy. There were sniffles and whines and it went on for about 10 minutes and then he was fine. When I got home from work I wouldn't have even known if Daddy didn't tell the story. The Muffin Man is getting tough.

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

A Goat Says "Blah"

So happy. I had the day off today and Declan all to myself. It was great getting him up this morning and just relaxing with his bottle, monkey, Phineus & Ferb. Still a morning guy, I just love how cute he is in the morning. We shared breakfast: cereal hrs and yogurt then popped upstairs for a mini visit with Auntie T

The morning nap seemed to come so quickly. Before I knew it our morning was over and Declan was down for his morning nap. I got his things ready and as soon as he woke up he was changed into a cute sweater and jeans and we left for Daddy's work. Declan was so happy to see Daddy...and Mark. Declan remembered Daddy's coworker - Mark - from when they were over at Marks house for a visit. He was very happy there.

Then we dropped into Babies r us (toys R us) so that my Muffin Man could figure what he'd like for his Birthday next week. He picked out a fun toy...more on that next week.

It was mid-afternoon so we decided from there to drive over to Gramma and Poppa's for a nice visit. Declan was such a good boy. He was also all over the place. At one time he actually had both knees in the correct position, hands nicely in front...the perfect crawl position but...nope...still doing it the hard way but he does get around. Poppa got some great giggles from the Muffin Man before we left when he was kissing Declan's neck.
Then we were on our way home and Declan took his afternoon nap in the car. He had great nap face when we got home. A perfect imprint of the jacket material in his left cheek. Well when we got home Daddy was there so Declan was quite happy.
In the evening we gave Declan a I was soaked...Declan played along happily. After getting him dried off, diapered, lotioned and jammed, we took a look at his new farm book.I decided to make the animal noises for D and when I made the Goat "Blah" Declan mimicked me making a sort of goat sound and made himself laugh. So hard. He practically choked he was laughing and giggling so hard. Wondered what he thought was so darn funny. When Declan went down for bedtime he reached through the bars and played with the giant sheep's ears. First time he's done that even though they've been there all along. Declan is the best.

Monday, 28 January 2013

Too Cool

On my drive home from work today I was thinking about Declan. He's pretty cool. Too cool. I started thinking that maybe he's a lot cooler than me. He might just be out of my league. Then what?
I mentioned this to Tyler this evening after the Muffin Man went to bed. He said that sometimes he feels the same way, like Declan's humoring us, he takes putty on us.
Glad I'm not alone on that one. Seriously though, we're in trouble.

Sunday, 27 January 2013

New Tricks

Declan is so big. I can't get over how fast it happened. I can't believe the little person he's become.

This morning Declan was with Auntie T and Madison. Mad had the pleasure of feeding the Muffin Man his breakfast. Some yogurt before he eats his cereal bar on his own. While Mad was feeding Declan his yogurt he tried (as usual) to grab the spoon but Madison wouldn't have it. Declan's next move? Looking right at Mad while he spits his yogurt out of his mouth onto the back of his hand and then flicked it. Lucky for Madison he hasn't much control yet and it simply landed on the high chair tray. What a little monkey. Auntie T saw it all go down...and thought it was hilarious.

I got home from work just before 7pm so Declan hadn't had his bedtime bottle and wasn't even in his pajamas yet. Since he wasn't all tired I got to enjoy how excited he was to see me. Cutest grin and some good leg kicks/arm waving. Declan was pretty chatty too. Showing off how well he moves around and grabs one point in the evening Declan laid on his side and stretched out long right when Hunter was doing the same exact thing. It was cute but of course Hunterwas stret he'd out by me and Declan say his opportunity to grab and pet Hunter. Good thing the cat is tough. Declan was pretty proud of himself. I was impressed when I watched him, on his belly, creep towards Hunter, reach out and touch the kitties front paw.

When I changed Declan into his pajamas he was playing with his necklace. I picked him up while he held the necklace outstretched, an end in each hand. Then he proceeded to slowly run the necklace down across my face. All the while starring at me with a big smile. Close-up Declan is my favourite.

And lastly...just before being carried off to bed, Declan threw up. Food throw up. The smell was horrid. I was gagging. Wiped him down and off to bed. Gross. That smell really stays with ya!

Saturday, 26 January 2013

Surprise Visit

Daddy and Declan decided it was a good day for a surprise visit to Limeridge Mall to see me at work. Yay!! Best surprise. Muffin Man was very happy to see me. I got in some quick kisses and snuggles. Declan was super cute in his snowsuit. I tossed him in the air so I could get even more smiles.

It had to be a short visit though because I was working. Declan and Daddy hit the family washroom for a diaper change then toured the HMV before hitting the road and heading back home.

Just before dinner Declan was really vocal. Auntie T and Madison could hear him from upstairs babbling away. Declan is very determined to be hear yet we still have no idea why he's going on about.

Today was also Grandma May's Birthday. Declan told me he wished he could have celebrated with her...and had some of her cake.

Friday, 25 January 2013

His Peeps

Dropped Declan off at Daycare this morning. Soon as we arrived the little 2yr old girl Ryon came over and brought Declan 3 books, a train and a piece of track. Apparently she adores him. Kelly informed me that Ryon watches for Declan's arrival in the mornings. She got excited when Kassen arrived this morning until she realized it wasn't Declan and she then went about her business. She even peeks through the doggy window to see if he's coming. I think he really enjoys her too because he was really vocal when we got there and just started babbling away at quite a volume just after settling in. I can really see what value there is for Declan by going to daycare a couple times a week. Even if I could manage being a stay at home Mom I wouldn't want to take this experience away from the Muffin Man. He's got his peeps...he's making friends and and winning them over all on his own.

Thursday, 24 January 2013


Declan and I were out and about today.  Hit the road during his morning nap so we could visit with Nancy, Molly and MacGregor.  Its adorable watching Declan with other kids.  He is such an observer and he gets so excited.  We had a great visit and lunch time then when the Muffin Man started getting a wee bit cranky I knew it was time to hit the road and Declan took his afternoon nap also in the car.  Timing was perfect.

When we got home today we paused upstairs for a brief visit with Auntie T, Madison and Josh.  Then Uncle Scott came over and joined in.  Declan got super excited.  His whole little body shakes and you especially see it in his hands.  Then Auntie T said that the other day when she took Declan into the office to meet Leanne he was all excited and shaking...Leanne said he was like a little Chihuahua.

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Sneaky Traveller

Declan has skills you don't even know.

Kid doesn't crawl and he certainly doesn't walk yet so how is he doing it? Oh...and so sneaky cause I don't see it happening. I set him down on the floor when we get to daycare this morning...I'm talking to Kelly then I look down at Declan and he's sitting two feet away from me. How?

Tonight I got to hang with him for a short while before he had to go to bed. Got to play a bit and give him his nighttime bottle. He was sitting between my legs on the floor. I was chatting with Daddy and then look down and again, Declan is sitting nicely but almost two feet away. How?

Clever monkey.

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Mr. Lube

Oh was a cold one today. muffin Man was bundled in his snowsuit for the ride to daycare this morning. put him in his seat then ran around the car and hopped in the back seat so I could click him in his seatbelt with the doors closed. I could see his baby breath and his sweet button nose was pink from the cold. when we arrived at daycare I scooped him up in my arms and as we got out of the car the bitter wind hit us right away. Declan laughed. It was a windchill in the negative 20's but Declan laughs. He really has a fabulous perspective on the world.

Daddy picked little Declan up from daycare. They jumped in the car and when Daddy started it the engine light came on. No good. And they were off on an adventure. It was risky timing because Declan would need a bottle or dinner soon and there we no prepared bottle or snacks left in his daycare bag. A car that runs however is a priority. Daddy and Declan sat in the back seat together while the Lube guys worked on the car. They were trying to entertain Declan. One technician was playing a bit of hide and seek around the truck to Declan's delight. Then he started getting fussy...the belly speaks. Good news, Daddy didn't eat his apple sauce cups from his lunch today. Declan downed 1 & 1/2 adult servings of apple sauce and tragedy was averted. Oh and the car runs. Good all around.

Monday, 21 January 2013

The Office

My favourite time of the day is when I get to go into Declan's room in the morning to get him up. Even though I knew I'd be leaving him shortly and heading off to work I just love the time I get with him in the morning. Snuggle on the bed while he drinks some of his bottle. Then we just hang out a little bit. This morning we sat on the bed and he told me lots of stories. They were big stories. Too bad I have no idea what about.

Then it was a diaper change and then we were off to see Auntie T for a couple hours until Daddy would be home from work.

With Auntie T he had quite a busy morning at the office, taking calls, faxing, emails, something about stamping files...they were at the realtor office for a visit and they put the baby to work...geeezzz. (I think he liked it).

Then he got home just as Daddy was getting in. The secret was out...Declan was at the office in his pjs!! Kid didn't even dress for the office. Good thing he's cute.

Daddy and Declan were out and about, did some errands and the Muffin Man took his afternoon nap in the car.

I had to work until 6pm and didn't get out on time so it was just after 7pm when I got in the door. Came home to find the little man rolling around on my bed ready fire his bath time. Perfect. Mommy gets to do bath time. Declan is so great in the bath. There were some splashes and play with an elephant, a raccoon and the facecloth of course. Poor kid got excited an fell forward but in attempt to right himself ended up falling on his side with a panicked expression on his face. I rescued him. I'm his hero. Tonight anyway. Probably Daddy more often. I got him into his candy cane jams and then cuddled him for his bedtime bottle. A nice day after all. Bookended with Muffin Man snuggles. The best.

Sunday, 20 January 2013

Daddy's Birthday

Today our little Declan celebrated his Daddy's Birthday. Got the Muffin Man out of bed this morning and brought him with card in hand into bed with Daddy. Baby giggles is always a good way to start your birthday.

It was a nice mellow day. Hung out inside all day and Declan stayed in pjs. When bedtime came around we changed him into fresh pajamas. Lots of rolling around, reaching and turning about on the floor. He keeps increasing his distance but still nothing resembling a crawl. The latest new thing would be that Declan full out cries with huge tears when I try to change his bum. Every time this weekend. Won't sit still for me and just tears. Little nutter. Here's hoping this is a fad.

In the evening not long before bed it was time for Daddy's Birthday cake. Declan sat on Daddy's knee while the cake lit with candles was brought out. Everyone was singing Happy Birthday and Declan's eyes were wide. He was all smiles. Little guy likes him some cake and candles. He was patient while Daddy made his wish but when the candles wet out Declan reached right into that cake. Got free icing on his fingers, on Monkey...and on Daddy. Looks like the little guy will enjoy his own Birthday cake less than 3 weeks away!

Saturday, 19 January 2013

January 19

My little Muffin Man has figured out how to get to things/places he wants without crawling or walking. He has a system. A very involved system. He falls forward and then rolls onto his back, then he rolls a bit to one side and then uses his killer abs to sit up from an almost lying position. Once this series of events are complete he is facing in a different direction and is now within an arm reach of what he wants. Clever little muffin. Today he got Daddy's bluerays, the space heater, baby wipes and my sippers. What will it be tomorrow?

Friday, 18 January 2013

Big Boy Naps

Declan has been fighting a lot of his naps lately. My girlfriend Hayley suggested that since he's older now maybe there are too many distractions for him to want to nap in his swing and to try putting him down in his crib for naps. Actually he's so big now that he grabs onto the frame while the chair is moving interfering with the swing momentum. Yesterday for the first time Daddy tried the crib nap....and....success. Declan napped for an hour. Again in the afternoon another hour nap. Today he did it again and once more Declan slept for a solid hour. Nice. The things I could get done in a shoe hour!! Can't wait to try it myself tomorrow.

Daddy also filled me in on one of Declan's latest moves. After putting Declan on his belly so he can see you he will immediately roll over, then he sits up right from his back (abs of steel) and then turns himself all around so he's facing you again. He just hates being on the ground shoe works back to a seated position. Little Monkey is well coordinated now and showing arm strength but is still resistant to tummy time.

Thursday, 17 January 2013

Quality Time

Another work day and I would only get one hour with my Muffin Man. What a great hour it was.
Got the little man out of bed just after 7am thins morning. As usual he woke up in a terrific mood. We snuggled on my bed while Declan had some of his morning bottle and then we spent time reading a few of his books: Barnyard Dance, Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes and Snuggle Puppy. He was so attentive. He pointed to animals, turned pages, babbled along. He would turn to look at me while I read along and he would give me the sweetest big smile just two inches from my face. I could just eat him up!

January 16

Little Muffin Man.

Dropped you off at daycare this morning and then I didn't get to see you again today.

I heard you had fun with the other little people and that you were good. Then later in the day after Daddy picked you up you had some time visiting with your Aunt, Uncle, cousins, Gramma and Poppa because it was Josh's Birthday and you and Daddy popped in to see him.

I miss you bud. I can't wait for the weekend so I can spend some time with you.

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

How Boys Play

3am this morning Daddy heard Declan sweetly babbling away to himself in bed. Such a cutie. So good that he just puts himself back to sleep on his own.

This morning when Declan got to daycare little Ryonn can walking over to see him right away. Declan started babbling away to her as well. So many stories he has.

Later today after getting home from daycare Daddy and Declan rough housed like boys do. They wrestled on our bed. Daddy laid on his back with Declan on his chest and pretended to throw him side to side. The Muffin man was all giggles.

By the time I got home today it was late and I only got in a few cuddles, some impressive standing and then it was off to bed. The workdays suck little man. Can't wait until my next day off.

Monday, 14 January 2013


So very envious of your Daddy today.

I was off to work before you were even up out of bed this morning. I heard you ate all your peach yogurt for breakfast, had lots of snacks, tried Daddy's cheeseburger, played, giggled, waved some more. When I got home this evening you were already in your pajamas and ready for bed, sitting on the floor with Daddy babbling away. Sure you happy to see me. I did get some play short playtime with you and you did save your one poop diaper for me but it feels like I barely saw you. Lucky Daddy got you the whole day. You sure seem like you had a terrific day though.

Sunday, 13 January 2013

The Babiness

Little Declan.

Daddy says that in his mind you're just a baby but then he watches you and can't believe how you're becoming a little person. Watching how you play with your toys now, turning and inspecting them. Your balance an confidence is so good now you move all around and go after things you spie and want.

Then...after your bath tonight you laid down on daddy's lap for your bedtime bottle and fell asleep. You looked like the little baby again.

Saturday, 12 January 2013

What's That on Your Shirt?

Woke Declan up at 7:30 this morning so that I could spend some time with the kid before Gramma was to arrive and I head off to work.

We were hanging out when Declan clapped his hands. So cute. That's new. I tried to get him to clap again by clapping myself but instead Declan grabbed my hands and clapped my hands instead. So cute, his little baby hands on mine.

Soon after Gramma arrived for her two hours of babysitting and what's that?....Poppa came along! Lucky little Declan. No playing shy this time, Declan was happy for his company.

Daddy was home from work by 10:40am and he arrived to a napping little guy. He woke up right away and it was Daddy-Declan day.

At one point early afternoon Declan was sitting along in our bed (Daddy was in the bathroom) when Daddy heard something going on. He peaked in and found our little muffin man had not only recorded his own voice onto his iPhone but he was playing it back. How is this even possible!?!?

But the best part of the day had to be Daddy's diaper changes. He was all ready to tell me about the horrible poop diaper from 1pm. The one where it almost escaped from the diaper. Then at 6:45pm came the poop diaper to end all poop diapers. Good thing Daddy has a cold and can't breath through his nose. Poop....everywhere. I got to hear all about it, how it came out if the diaper and up his back. Poor Daddy...poor Declan.


What's that on your shirt?


Friday, 11 January 2013


Little Declan's got him some moves. Sitting on his butt he wiggles and bounces. He leans in a little to the right and keeps a little bounce. The arms are involved and he's smiling of course. Declan's gettin' down.

Somebody also stood for me twice this evening. Strong legs. He's pretty tall. I feel strongly that he'll bypass crawling and we'll have a walker in the next couple months.

Thursday, 10 January 2013

Homo Milk

The Muffin Man woke up in great spirits today.  Such a happy little man.  For a change, since he's now 11 months old, he had 2 ozs of homo milk with 6 ozs of formula in his morning bottle.

What did he think?

I don't think he even noticed a difference.  We went through the same morning routine we normally do and he drank the entire bottle without issue.  Had some yummy berry oatmeal and strawberry yogurt treats for breakfast.  I had such a great morning with my boy.  When Daddy got home from work at 10:40am the guys hung out together while I got ready for work and then I peaked in on them just before I had to leave at 11:45am and Declan was asleep in his swing, down easily for his morning nap. 

When I got in from work tonight both boys were already in bed.  Messages received earlier told me they'd had a great day together and that Declan was happy all day. Daddy even got Declan to take the 2nd nap without any trouble, of course they were in the car out on a drive and we know how much Declan likes his car naps.

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

That Makes Six

Got to spend the entire day with my little guy.  Sure was a lot of fun.  Just a normal day really with lots of tasks I needed to get done but it's much nicer when you have a sweetheart at your side.  Would have been easier if he took decent naps but hey....when you sleep 12 hours a night a guess you don't really need them.  What I'm saying is...Declan took a 20 minute nap this morning and that was it.  So much for trying to get things done while he's sleeping, Declan was up and at it all day.

We had a short visit upstairs with Auntie T and Uncle Scott and as we left to head back downstairs we paused while all said goodbye and there it was...Declan waved again.  A little sideways open/close of his fingers.  I'm so glad I got to see it too.  He looks so little when he's doing new things.  Love him.

Well this morning I noticed that his incisors were just ready to break through.  Figured it was to be today or overnight for certain.  After his 7pm splashathon...a.k.a....bath, I took a look in his mouth while getting him into his jammies and there they were.  Both have broken through.  Declan officially has 6 teeth. 

Oh...and I almost forgot....Declan went with me through the car wash again. He did so good. There was one moment when he started to cry but it was brief and I got him back to being ok. He's getting to be a tough little boy.

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Because of His Peers

Daddy picked little Declan up from Daycare today. When he arrived Declan was sitting on the floor playing and when he saw Daddy he got very excited, big smile, flapping arms and feet a kicking. Daddy got him dressed in his shoes, coat, hat and kits then picked him up all while chatting with Kelly. When it we time to leave Daddy said bye to Kelly and little Declan waved.


We've never seen this before. Kelly says all her little ones wave goodbye to her when they leave so Declan must have learned this by watching his daycare buddies. My muffin...already influenced by the bigger kids. This is just the beginning.

Monday, 7 January 2013

11 Months

The Muffin Man turned 11 months old today.  I can't believe we're so close to 1 year.  Poor little guy didn't sleep soundly last night and he seemed so tired all day.  There were times when he just sat still and stared at the TV.  His eyes looks red and he just seemed so sleepy.  Poor guy.  When Daddy got him up out of bed this morning Declan simply snuggled into him like he'd have been happy just to be held. 

Declan has a new 'face' that he makes.  He lowers his brow and then looks up at you with a stern face.  I swear he's judging me.  I kept trying to get a photo of it but when he saw the phone/camera he would smile and get excited so the face was gone.  His Auntie T snapped a picture of the 'face' as he was making it for his cousin Madison.

During a short visit with his Aunt, Uncle and cousins Declan finally made Uncle Scott happy by recipricating the 'fist bump'.  Then I watched while Declan giggled and laughed because Uncle Scott kept 'pretending' to drop Declan.  He was loving it.

1 more month bud.  Can't even remember life before you.

Sunday, 6 January 2013

Fun with Cars

Made sure the muffin man got in some good tummy time.  Put him down in a nice open area and got out his two new cars that zoom forward when you power them by pulling back on them.  Declan was kicking his legs like crazy.  Looked like he thought he was swimming.  He had lots of energy and was a smiley pants.  He reached for the cars when they got close to him and there were some giggles.  The biggest laugh when one of the cars zoomed right into his armpit.  He wiggled and pushed back enough that he'd moved about 2 feet from where I'd put him down. 

Decided perhaps I should try getting him to stand at the furniture.  Put his hands up on the chair and held him in a standing position and whoops he lifts up his feet.  Put him down and then held him in the standing position again and whoops, there he goes, lifts his feet up again.  He's so stubborn.  I was persistant and finally got him to stand on his own for about...hmmm...3 seconds before he sat down.

Just going to make certain to keep getting him on his tummy and encouraging him to stand and perhaps eventually the little guy will find the motivation.

Oh...and we read one of his new books from Christmas.  The one he received from his Auntie T and Uncle Scott.  The Monster at the End of this Book.  There is just no way he 'gets' the idea of the story or understand the humour but he sure makes you believe that he does.  Declan smiles at me and laughs in all the right places.  He's an actor.

Saturday, 5 January 2013


I got Declan up out of bed at 7:30 so I could hang out with him for an hour before Gramma arrived and I had to head off to work. He was so much fun. I laid down on the floor and Hunter cuddled up to me then Declan turned toward us and was patting Hunter gently and then he'd grab Hunter furs and pull. I'd take his hand away and say "gently" which he would then do again. Gentle kitty pats and then he'd grab fur and pull. Poor Hunter. He's such a good kitty for simply taking it.
It is sweet how happy Declan is to see Hunter and technically "Kitty kitty" is Declan's first deliberate word as he will say to Hunter when he sees him.

Gramma got to spend two hours with Declan and she says he was great. Muffin man got a 2nd treat container. Now he has Oscar the Grouch to go with his Elmo container.

Daddy was home from work just after 10:30am. The two boys had plans to visit Daddy's friend (and coworker) Mike in the afternoon so they tackled lunch first before hitting the road. Declan fell asleep in the car so Daddy parked and let him finish his nap on his own terms before heading into Mikes. Yes the monkey on the face is weird but its how he prefers to sleep (see picture...'nuf said).

Declan was great at Mike's. He played with some if Mike's children's toys and was good when Mike held him for a bit. They were checking out a Transformers poster together. The new weird thing though is this high pitch squeal of a sound he makes that Daddy says sounds like a velociraptor. I think he get that one from me.

Little man was good in the evening at home. Ate his dinner and was very interactive with Daddy. I got the big happy boy when I got home from work. Hug out with the muffin man until it was bedtime.
Glad he had a great day.

Friday, 4 January 2013

My Fishie

Declan and I joined Owen and Hayley at the Milton Leisure Centre today for open family swim.  We were super prepared.  Declan has his little swimmer and swim shorts on under his sweat pants and fleece.  I had my swim suit on under my clothes.  We got there, whiped off our clothes and heading to the pool!

He's so friggin' cute.

We waded into the water and spotted Hayley and Owen.  I love seeing Declan's face when he first spies his friend.  Big smile and bright eyes.  You can tell he is happy to see Owen.  Declan was also very happy to be in the water.  I guess all the time in the pool in the summer paid off because he wasn't afraid at all.  Holding onto him under his arm pits and his legs were out behind him.  Without any encouragement needed Declan had his legs kicking just like a pro swimmer.  I blew in his face and dunked him two times and he didn't cry either time. Held him in the air "Super Baby" and dropped him down to the water with splashes and he giggled. Sat him on the edge of the pool then counted down from 3 before pulling him in.  He loved it.  Held him while he splashed with his arms and then I laid him back in the water so his ears were in and he didn't fuss at all.

Declan and Owen had a little back and forth with a ball in the pool.  Owen would push it toward Declan and then Declan would just wait.  I'd push it back toward Owen for him and Declan would laugh.  After playing with the ball Declan saw a rubber ducky floating by.  He reached out and grabbed it.  Then we found another so we brought it to Owen.  At one point Owen had both so Declan was trying to steal one back.  He's getting braver.  Sure needs to learn sharing and manners.

After quite a while in the pool you start to cool off so we got out and headed to the baby friendly hot tub (bath water temp).  I was holding Declan as we got out and then entered the hot tub.  It was only once I was placing him in the water that I noticed he was still holding onto a rubber ducky.  He's just the cutest.  In the hot tub there are lots of bubbles blowing in the water.  He got so excited and started splashing like mad.  Good times.

So happy that at just shy 11 months my little man has such nice play dates.  Tomorrow he's off on another adventure.  Joining Daddy on a visit to a friends place where there is a 4 yr old and a 2 1/2 yr old.  Hope they have a blast.

Thursday, 3 January 2013

Back in 2011

When we were expecting we took Prenatal classes.  Every Wednesday night for weeks we would head to the Ottawa Civic Hospital to meet with about 6 other couples and the instructor.  I was remembering today how each class, just after it would start Declan would be his most active.  The entire time there would be waves of movement.  I used to say that he was excited and want to meet and play with the other babies he could sense were there.  Now he's here and at almost 11 months he is really interested in people and always stars and smiles at other kids.  He is a social bug.

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

We Have a Mover!

Kind of.

Looking around the room I realize that Declan hangs out most if the time in a small space with his toys around him. What motivation is there to crawl wen you can reach. He does spin around to get different toys or see different things but that was all. So this evening I put him down in a big open area with no toy in reach and he moved! He moved backward. He pushed himself backward until his feet touched the wall then he turned around and tried to get Daddy's CDs. So...reminder...must affix CD shelves to wall ASAP.

Good job Muffin Man!!

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Hello 2013

What a great night's sleep.  Declan went to bed at 8pm without any issue at all even though we were staying at a friends place.  I checked on him around 11pm and he looked so cute.  Asleep on his back, both arms up over his head and monkey across his face.  The usual.  Checked again on the little man just after 6am and he hadn't moved one bit.  In the exact same position and still deep in sleep I let him be and got in a few more winks myself.  Then just after 8am I entered the room he was sleeping in and gently got him up.  What a happy little man to welcome in 2013 with.  Brought him into the room we'd slept in and he sat in the bed with Daddy who gave him his morning bottle. 

Next the muffin man headed downstairs to visit with Chelsey.  Got to get in some more playtime with her cool toys.  The adults had Tim Hortons for breakfast while the little peoples had baby cereal and some fruit and some cheerios of course.  I let Declan have a few pieces of my hashbrown and some scrambled egg which he really enjoyed.  Then it was a diaper change before heading home....Declan still in his jammies.  Perfect way to start a new year.  He got in a little nap on the drive home. 

We had lots of fun just hanging out with our little guy today.  Nowhere we had to be.  There was another nap in the PM along with lunch and dinner time.  Fun toys, some books and finally some clean pjs before heading off to bed.  A sweet start to a New Year I'm certain will be filled with milestones, adventures and lots of love.