Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Sleepy Cuddles

I brought Declan to daycare this morning for 7am but I was in no rush since I didn't work until 10am. I stayed at daycare for a 1/2 hr. He was happy. He was in the excersaucer holding and chewing on an orange dinosaur. As I was talking to Kelly we noticed he'd dropped it and we staring at it. Kelly asked Ryan, who is a little girl almost two years old, to pick up the dinosaur and hand it to the baby. She promptly did which was so sweet to see. She then continued to bring him toys so he eventually had a huge pile of toys in front of him. He we quite happy indeed. Kelly picked him up so I could hold him and get in some last cuddles. Then I went to hand him back and he held on tight (my little cutie!) to me. He did finally let go and he was still smiles the entire time.

When work was done I got home fast as I could because I wanted to beat his bedtime. I got in at 7:30, bedtime is 8pm. I walked in and found him passed out on the floor by Daddy. I was so sad. I waited patiently and as I talked with Tyler he finally woke and saw me. He went from sound asleep to happy arm waves and I got to get in a few hugs. It was over fast though and he was in bed for 8pm, sound asleep again.

Miss him so much and glad that tomorrow Daddy is home with our little Declan.

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