Saturday, 10 November 2012

A Nice Welcome Home

It was disapointing that I said goodbye to Declan at 11am on Friday and didn't get to see him before he was off to bed.  Then this morning I had to leave for work before he got up so it was 19 1/2 hours since I'd seen him by the time I got home today. 

This morning Grandma Gale was here before 7am and ready for her first official babysitting shift.  I was out the door about 7:20am and the little guy was making noise through the monitor so I knew she'd be getting the little prince up as soon as I left.  Daddy wasn't scheduled to be home until just after 10:30am so Declan was getting loved and cuddled for three hours.  He snuggled into Grandma before he ate his breakfast so morning nap was a bit early and breakfast a bit after but really, how can you deny Declan when he turns into you for cuddles.  Grandma finally needed to get up so Declan was moved to the floor and she tucked him in with a blanket until he'd gotten all the nap he needed.  Then as I mentioned, Daddy was home just after 10:30am.

Declan was still fussy when it came to meal time.  This time he was rejecting food he's usually very interested in.  We may have discovered why though.  The little guy's temperature was at the high end of normal (and usually he is always at the lower end of normal).  His hair was a bit sweaty and his forhead was warm to the touch.  He calmly cuddled with Daddy on the couch for over an hour in the afternoon.  Declan is just a tiny bit under the weather.  It made for a very sweet afternoon with Daddy since yesterday was a long fussy one this was nice for Daddy.

Then at 6:15pm I got home.  When I walked in Tyler was standing there with Declan in his arms.  He told me right away that Declan wasn't feeling great and that they waited for me to give him his dinner to see if I'd have any better luck getting him to eat.  Soon as Declan saw me a huge smile came over his face, his eyes were wide and the arms and legs were all in motion.  He was so happy to finally see me again (and it was mutual).  I got washed up and then grabbed Declan.  He was all wiggly with excitement.  I guess I'm still special.

This evening before his 8pm bedtime I was able to roll a ball back and forth with him and he got in some good tummy time (actually he had some earlier with Daddy too).  He holds his upper body up very high and he looks like he is proud of himself.  After rolling onto his back he kept curling over onto his side.  I was able to flip his legs over and have him roll to his belly with the momentum a couple times and he didn't get upset.  Just help his chest up high off the ground...and then rolled back to his backside again.  I think this could be the month where he rolls from his back to belly on his own (finally...can't believe he learned to roll belly to back at 4 months...and now we've been waiting all this time for the reverse) and I think crawling is going to be a quick learning after that.  **sigh** Declan is getting so big.

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