Friday, 30 November 2012

Missed Bedtime

I got Declan up at 6:20am this morning, he had his morning bottle, diaper change, fresh clothes and washed his face.  Put on his fleece and grabbed his bag and we were off to daycare.

Handed him to Kelly after some kisses and airplane ride and then wished him a good day.

Then I was done work at 5pm.

Spent 4 hours in traffic.

Missed Declan's bedtime at 8pm.

Well this sucks.

Thursday, 29 November 2012

Skedaddle Kids

Here in Milton there is a place called Skedaddle Kids.  It is an indoor play area.  There is an area for kids over 4 years of age and an under 4 years toddler area.  Large open spaces for running, crawling or just sitting and playing and an eating area.  At noon today Declan and I met up with Hayley and Owen, Daniella and Chelsey for some playtime, lunch, and then some more playtime.

It is amazing to watch how they have all grown.  Now they recognize each other when they meet up.  Once upon a time they would just lay side by side and bat at toys but now Chelsey and Owen are crawling all around and Declan is sitting up, entertaining himself with toys and gently interacting with his buds. 

And does he love the ball pit.  He picked up a ball for each hand and he was kicking lots.  Such a sweetheart.

During our lunch break my little Declan showed me on his own how he can hold his bottle.  He's getting to be so big.  I was both very proud and very sad because he didn't need me to hold it.

And finally during the last few minutes of play, Auntie Daniella decided to put Chelsey's extra hair clip in Declan's hair.  Oh dear.  She's always trying to do things to bug Daddy (just for fun). You sure did look cute bud...and lucky for you Declan, you still look like a boy even with a hair clip.

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Eating is an Issue....with Dad

I had to work today but Daddy had the day off so it was another Daddy-Declan day, lucky little man.  Reports were that Declan was a happy guy for most of the day. While out running errands our boy was ooogled by lots of ladies who were also shopping.  He really is hard to resist.  Now food is still an issue when its time for Daddy to feed Declan.  I received a text while at work that said "other than his cereal and fruit is there anything he likes to eat?  Basically all I ever do when it's time to feed him is waste food." Well, yes he does like vegetables but he's giving Daddy a hard time.  Dinner was left for me to feed him as a result. Declan...this has to stop.  Then to top it off, Declan was eating his little star cookies and put too many in his mouth and starting making a choking sound.  Daddy panicked and was patting him on the back until he finally calmed down, face was a little less red and he could breath.  Seriously Declan, we can't wait until I get home late to feed you right before it's your bedtime.  Cut Dad some slack.


Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Sleepy Cuddles

I brought Declan to daycare this morning for 7am but I was in no rush since I didn't work until 10am. I stayed at daycare for a 1/2 hr. He was happy. He was in the excersaucer holding and chewing on an orange dinosaur. As I was talking to Kelly we noticed he'd dropped it and we staring at it. Kelly asked Ryan, who is a little girl almost two years old, to pick up the dinosaur and hand it to the baby. She promptly did which was so sweet to see. She then continued to bring him toys so he eventually had a huge pile of toys in front of him. He we quite happy indeed. Kelly picked him up so I could hold him and get in some last cuddles. Then I went to hand him back and he held on tight (my little cutie!) to me. He did finally let go and he was still smiles the entire time.

When work was done I got home fast as I could because I wanted to beat his bedtime. I got in at 7:30, bedtime is 8pm. I walked in and found him passed out on the floor by Daddy. I was so sad. I waited patiently and as I talked with Tyler he finally woke and saw me. He went from sound asleep to happy arm waves and I got to get in a few hugs. It was over fast though and he was in bed for 8pm, sound asleep again.

Miss him so much and glad that tomorrow Daddy is home with our little Declan.

Monday, 26 November 2012

Uncle Babysitting

I barely saw my little muffin man today.  We had about a half hour this morning when I got him up while he drank his bottle and I changed his diaper and got him dressed.  Then it was very quickly off to daycare.  Then I got home from work at 6pm for a very quick hello and then I was out the door for a movie date.  When I popped in to say hello he was distracted because he saw Puppa standing behind me.  Then his attention was drawn back over to Uncle Scott because he was hanging out with him for the evening.  Uncle Scott got his first official babysitting evening.  I know there was piano playing and lots of babbling and laughter.  I think he had a good time but I don't know for sure because when I got home Declan was already fast asleep and tucked in bed.

I can't wait to wake him in the morning.

Sunday, 25 November 2012

1st Santa Visit

Our little muffin man had his first visit with Santa Claus.  I was so excited to take him.  As soon as he woke up from his morning nap we got him cleaned up and dressed in his red Christmas clothes, threw his diaper bag together and headed out.  We were so rushed.  I forgot to feed him his lunch and after refilling his snack container I left it on Tyler's dresser.  Poor kid.  He's so good though he didn't fuss and had to wait until 2:30pm for his lunch.

Santa visit was a success.  We instructed Santa not to speak.  I placed Declan on Santa's lap and he didn't even notice where he was.  He saw that his picture was being taken and that always makes him happy so it was all smiles.  His left arm was stuck out weird in the photos so I ran in to adjust it and Santa helped by holding his hands.  That drew Declan's attention to Santa.  He looked up at him.  It looked so sweet but what was really happening is that Declan was looking at him in a "I think I'm afraid of you" manner.  There was a little stare off and then he looked back at us in fear...then he opened his mouth and started to cry without any noise.  Poor bud.  He's such a trooper.  We are so happy to have our little guy's first Santa picture and so excited to be entering our first Christmas season with our little prince.

Saturday, 24 November 2012

Self Amusement

Mommy and Daddy worked today so our little Declan hung out at home with Grandma Gale until 1:30pm.  All reports were that he was a good little boy and from what I hear Grandma was happy after spending time with our muffin man.

It used to amaze me that our cat had his own life.  That Tyler and I could be getting cleaned up and ready to go out and I'd catch a glipse of Hunter walking by and I'd think. "What's he doing? Where is he going and it's weird that he has a life independent of me." Now it's Declan that makes me think like this.  It's just crazy that this little guy is his own person, that he's got his own thoughts and that he can amuse himself for the longest time with his change mat. 

Really I just can't believe that he's his own person. He has his own thoughts and feelings no matter what I might think or feel.  The best part is that so far he seems to be pretty positive about everything.  I think he just amazes me in general all the time.

Friday, 23 November 2012

Size 5

Today was Black Friday so I had to work at 6:30am as the mall was opening early at 7am. This meant that I was out of the house by 5:20am and did not see Declan in the morning. Daddy had appointments today so Declan was still going to daycare. Thursday evening Daddy asked me what he needed to pack. I told him that change of clothes were already in the bag and I confirmed how many bottles, how much formula and what snacks he should include. We'll we didn't discuss one important thing...diapers. I assumed he would check to make certain there were enough diapers in thebay, Daddy assumed that there must be a package of diapers that we provided at daycare and as such didn't add any to Declan's bag. So...when Daddy picked little Declan up from daycare he was wearing a size 5 diaper. Usually a size 3 I asked if he looked hilarious in a diaper two sizes too big? Daddy said "his armpits were dry".

Declan had a great day, he was very good and daycare Kelly sent me a text tonight that said Dclan was "cute".

Thursday, 22 November 2012


Declan was at daycare today. When I dropped him off Kelly was holding him and I saw him look up at her and you could tell he really likes her. That made me very happy.

Daddy picked Declan up after work and Kelly said her been a good boy all day. They came home and hung out while waiting for me to get home from work myself.

When I got home I put my thing aside and washed up, then walked into the family room where Daddy was holding Declan. Soon as he saw me he started smiling and bouncing. Sure makes me feel good to come home to him.

Then there was dinner and changing into Jammie's and then Declan got the giggles. We were laughing back and forth, laughing harder each time we made the other laugh. Declan let out a huge snort. He laughs like me. 

Just a simple night but I loved every minute.

Wednesday, 21 November 2012


Declan and I had a fun morning. We watched Phineus and Ferb, we played with some toys and then he sat in my lap and snuggled in tight. It was sad to leave him to head to work.

Then the little guy spent all afternoon with his Auntie T. He was a good monkey and from what I hear pretty cute (and he knows it).

And finally Declan was home alone with Daddy. I heard he was so good and no crankiness. I did notice that the kids drank over 40oz of formula today. Geeez...don't tell me he's getting bigger.

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

People Interactions

My discovery today was how good Declan is at interacting with others.  I dropped Declan off at Daycare this morning.  The first day back in 5 days.  I was holding Declan near one of the little girls and he turned to see her and started babbling away to her.  It was so sweet, like he was checking in to see how her weekend was.  It warms my heart that he enjoys others so much.  I had always hoped that our little guy would be kind and genuinely like others.

He's also very clever in his interactions.  With his cousin Madison today he was playing games with his monkey.  Sitting in his high chair Declan would hang Monkey over the side and make a little "ooooohhhhh" face as if to say "am I going to drop it??". Then he pulls monkey back in to safety and laughs.  Maybe I just don't realise how smart babies are at 9 1/2 months but he surprises me all the time.

Monday, 19 November 2012

9 Month Checkup

This morning Declan had to say goodbye to Grandma and Grandpa May as we left for Declan's 9 Month checkup. After his appointment we were on our way back to Milton.

Declan is a noodle.  Officially, seriously, he's a noodle.
Weight: 21 lbs (52nd percentile)
Head circumference: 51st percentile which means his head isn't as big as I thought it was
Length: 30.5 inches which is 96th percentile.  Declan is 2 1/2 feet tall.

He's a lean string bean.

Sunday, 18 November 2012

Panic at the Car Wash

While in Ottawa today we needed to run some errands so we headed back to Bayshore. On the drive there Declan fell asleep so we decided it was a perfect time to take the car through the car wash. Started well but then at that point where the water pressure is high and the entire car is being spray with water Declan woke up. His eyes were huge, his cheeks flushed and he was trembling in fear like we've never seen before. I'm so glad I was in the back seat with him to comfort him. Poor guy, I just kept saying that all was ok and held his little hand until it was over. He survived and I got some smiles.
At Grandma and Grandpa May's house we had roast beef and mashed potatoes for dinner. Grandma prepared a small bowl with potatoes and gravy for Declan to try. Well, his hands went but he just wasn't interested in eating it. I put some in his mouth and e just made a face. He did enjoy dipping his rice "Mum Mums" into the potatoes but he never really ate them. 
Then it was time for me to keep a promise made the night earlier. I said that when we drank the Amerone I'd let Declan taste it from my finger. Well that was a huge hit. Soon as he tasted it he got a pleasant surprised look on his face, like a lightbulb went on. I can tell already that this kids going to have taste.
Then we had cherry cheesecake for desert. Daddy gave some cherry sauce to Declan to try and he loved it so we continued to let him eat some of the cheesecake and cherry topping. He loved it.
And finally Declan finished the night off with a bath in Grandpa and Grandmas tub. Grandma got to splash around with a leg kicking nut. Lots of fun in the late night bath. You're supposed to be in bed at 8pm and the bath started just past 8.
Out of the tub, dried off, Grandma puts baby lotion in Declan followed by his Jammie's and his bedtime bottle. Then it was off to slumberland without even a peep. 


Saturday, 17 November 2012

Hanging with His Cousin

This morning while we were playing with our little Declan Daddy told him to "show Mommy" his toy. Declan then turned to look at me am held up his toy for me to see. Thanks handsome!
This evening we all got together for dinner. Declan got to see Grandma and Grandpa May, Auntie Marissa, Auntie Jackie, Uncle Peter as we'll as cousins Alex, Corbin and Holden. Declan is pretty social and he really seemed to enjoy being around Holden. They were so sweet together when they were side by side in high chairs. Declan has lots to say and was babbling a bit to Holden. Really cute to see him with his Ottawa family.


Friday, November 16th

We were on the road nice and early and on our way to Ottawa. Declan is a very cooperative passenger with only brief moments of boredom. He got in two good naps along the way helping pass the 5 hours by.

After a brief stop at Bayshore so Mommy could see some old coworkers we made it to Grandma and Grampa May's house - Yay! Declan was very happy to be here. He played a bit shy with Grandpa at first (it's those strong male voices) but was all smiles and happiness for grandma right away. Then for dinner cousin Alex and Auntie Marissa arrived and our little prince got loads of attention. He was especially sweet with his cousin whom he really enjoyed interacting with. Such a big boy sitting on the floor playing with his toys. His Auntie Marissa was impressed that he can point to pictures in a book already.

Declan was off to bed just after 8pm and fell asleep right away just as usual but we disturbed him when we headed to bed ourselves so we got some tears before Daddy "ssshhhh'd" him back to sleep.

Good sleep and he'll be ready to take on a full day of activities.

Thursday, 15 November 2012

Holding Out

So some little muffin has been holding out on us. I dropped Declan off at Daycare this morning and Kelly tells me that Declan holds his own bottle. Really!?! Not with me he doesn't. Kelly says she places both of his hands on the bottle and then lightly holds the end up with one finger. Once she knows he's got it she lets go and voila, he's holding his own bottle. We'll now we're going to have to try this at home too...but then again, I'm going to miss holding the bottle and smuggling him while he drinks.

Now Declan is great when I bring him to daycare or when he's with his Aunt-he doesn't cry when I leave him BUT when I get home from work and its been hours since he's seen me he gets really excited to see me and doesn't want me to leave. This has resulted in my having to carry him around while I prepare dinner because he doesn't want to be apart. I don't mind one bit because I don't want to be apart either.

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Cozy and Warm

My Monkey had a great night sleep.  He was cozy and warm in his sleep sack.  Nice and roomy he could still kick his legs but his toes weren't frozen in the morning.  He looks so sweet all tucked in.  Well when I went into his room at 7:30 this morning he was so smiley.  I don't like having to work late and get home after 10pm but I sure enjoy spending the morning with my little guy.  Declan had his morning bottle right away and we hung out for a bit and watched some Phineaus and Ferb.  Then at 8:30 we had some breakfast together.  We shared Eggo Waffles.  Declan's had just a touch of syrup on them.  He ate about half of his waffle and then I gave him his Apple Cinnamon cereal.  Poor guy had an itchy nose and he ended up wiping his cereal all over his face.

Once breakfast was done we hung out some more, talked to Grandma Gale on the phone and then it was bathtime...for Declan.  I removed the infant bump in the baby tub so now Declan can sit up nice in the deepest part of his tub.  He was really happy.  He leaned back in the tub when I rinsed his hair without any tears and when he sat back up I told him I was proud of him.  He looked up at me and smiled. Dried him off, some baby cream, clean clothes and a bottle...then it was naptime.  He took his nap at 10am which was perfect timing for me to get ready for work. He slept for so long.  He didn't wake up until almost 12 noon.  I'd already left for work and Declan woke up to his Auntie T.  All reports from his Aunt and Daddy are that he was sweet and fun all day.  Boy did I miss him.  I'll only see him for about a 1/2 hour in the morning before heading right back to work. I can't wait until 6:30pm tomorrow so I can play with Declan for an hour and a half before he's off to bed...but then I'm with him for four days for our Ottawa road trip. YAY!

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Keepin' Warm

Our Monkey had his 3rd day at Daycare (2nd of his first back to back days). He's really enjoying it. Certainly makes it easier for me to go to work.

Being difficult, Declan didn't eat for Daddy but did when Mommy got home. Poor Daddy.  And it's getting colder so tonight Declan is sleeping in his sleep sack. So far so good...lets see him in the morning ;)

Monday, 12 November 2012

Just so Happy

Declan went to daycare again today for the 2nd time.  I wondered if there could be a problem this time, if he would remember that I would leave and he'd be there without me all day because that is what happened last time we went there together.  Well....he is just fine.  My little bug is a social butterfly.  He was so happy to be there.  Soon as we walked in the door he started waving his arms and smiling.  After some last hugs I put him in the excersaucer and he looked all around, played with the toys on the saucer and started to bounce...bounce...bounce.  He is just so happy.  The other little ones were checking him out. Perhaps they were thinking, in their little baby heads...."Hey....Declan is here again!"  It is so nice thinking that he is having a good time with his little playmates.

Daddy picked him up at 3pm and Declan was very happy to see him.  They had a great time hanging out before I got home from work at 6:30pm.  For the first time Declan went to his tummy all by himself.  He was sitting up and started to reach forward.  He kept reaching and Daddy was worried that  Declan was going to fall over.  Then he went just far enough that he laid on his belly and then kicked his legs out behind him.  There you go...boys getting bigger.

Daddy told me about a cute moment with his little man.  He was tickling Declan's back when he was sitting up and Declan got the shivers.  He did a little wiggle with his good posture, baby body.  I wish I'd see it myself.

And just for you one day to see for yourself.  Declan, after I dropped you off at Daycare this morning Daddy sent me this text: "He's such an awesome little guy.  I love him so much."

Sunday, 11 November 2012


This was Declan's first Remembrance Day.  He's only 9 months.  I don't expect he has any idea what an important day today is.  He did however chew on Mommy's poppy (pin removed obviously) while we watched the services in Ottawa on TV.  Then during the 2 minutes of silence Declan pooped.  One day he'll get it.  For now Mommy and Daddy will honour those who sacrificed so that we could have our freedoms.

In the afternoon Declan had a very important meeting to attend.  He joined Daddy for his staff meeting at work.  He was a good little guy.  A little too vocal at times and Daddy had to step out for a couple minutes but otherwise he was so good, had lots to drink and some snacks.  Showing how strong his legs are Declan stood between Daddy's legs all on his own, no support.  We will have to give him lots of opportunities to practice.  Then just before 5pm Declan was being a little fussy so Daddy laid Declan back and softly tickled Declan's little belly.  This put him into a relaxation trance and then he fell asleep, finally taking his afternoon nap.  He slept for a solid 45 minutes during the last hour of the meeting. Awwwe. When the meeting ended Daddy couldn't get out right away because our little man was socializing with Daddy's coworkers.  Declan was so happy to get all the attention.

Declan learned to immitate his first action and it's the knee slap.  We slap our hands on our knees and Declan gets excited and slaps his hands on his knees.  Then, because he's so excited the legs kick and he starts slapping everything but it does start with an imitated movement.  Now maybe we can teach him to wave Hi and Bye.

Saturday, 10 November 2012

A Nice Welcome Home

It was disapointing that I said goodbye to Declan at 11am on Friday and didn't get to see him before he was off to bed.  Then this morning I had to leave for work before he got up so it was 19 1/2 hours since I'd seen him by the time I got home today. 

This morning Grandma Gale was here before 7am and ready for her first official babysitting shift.  I was out the door about 7:20am and the little guy was making noise through the monitor so I knew she'd be getting the little prince up as soon as I left.  Daddy wasn't scheduled to be home until just after 10:30am so Declan was getting loved and cuddled for three hours.  He snuggled into Grandma before he ate his breakfast so morning nap was a bit early and breakfast a bit after but really, how can you deny Declan when he turns into you for cuddles.  Grandma finally needed to get up so Declan was moved to the floor and she tucked him in with a blanket until he'd gotten all the nap he needed.  Then as I mentioned, Daddy was home just after 10:30am.

Declan was still fussy when it came to meal time.  This time he was rejecting food he's usually very interested in.  We may have discovered why though.  The little guy's temperature was at the high end of normal (and usually he is always at the lower end of normal).  His hair was a bit sweaty and his forhead was warm to the touch.  He calmly cuddled with Daddy on the couch for over an hour in the afternoon.  Declan is just a tiny bit under the weather.  It made for a very sweet afternoon with Daddy since yesterday was a long fussy one this was nice for Daddy.

Then at 6:15pm I got home.  When I walked in Tyler was standing there with Declan in his arms.  He told me right away that Declan wasn't feeling great and that they waited for me to give him his dinner to see if I'd have any better luck getting him to eat.  Soon as Declan saw me a huge smile came over his face, his eyes were wide and the arms and legs were all in motion.  He was so happy to finally see me again (and it was mutual).  I got washed up and then grabbed Declan.  He was all wiggly with excitement.  I guess I'm still special.

This evening before his 8pm bedtime I was able to roll a ball back and forth with him and he got in some good tummy time (actually he had some earlier with Daddy too).  He holds his upper body up very high and he looks like he is proud of himself.  After rolling onto his back he kept curling over onto his side.  I was able to flip his legs over and have him roll to his belly with the momentum a couple times and he didn't get upset.  Just help his chest up high off the ground...and then rolled back to his backside again.  I think this could be the month where he rolls from his back to belly on his own (finally...can't believe he learned to roll belly to back at 4 months...and now we've been waiting all this time for the reverse) and I think crawling is going to be a quick learning after that.  **sigh** Declan is getting so big.

Friday, 9 November 2012

Oh So Fussy

Little man started his day off the usual way and with both Mommy and Daddy home. Of course he was a happy guy. I was off to work at 11am so Daddy and Declan got to have a boys day. They ventured off to Oakville Place to stroll around. Our prince however decided to give Daddy a hard time when it came to meal time. He was fussy, making faces an would tightened his lips and turn his head away. This was both for lunch and dinner. He drank the usual amount of formula and he wasn't sick just being a fussy boy. Poor Daddy.

The nice part though is that the last half hour before Declan's bedtime he was super sweet. Paid all his attention to Daddy. No interest in the TV or anything else, just Daddy. Nicely done Declan. You know how to win him over.

Thursday, 8 November 2012

All Daddy's Attention

I worked afternoon shift today so I was able to be home with the little man when he woke up.  We played and hung out, he had his breakfast then he played in his bouncy chair while I got ready for work and we waited for Daddy to get home at 10:30am.

Then I was off and it was all Daddy and Declan for the remainder of the day.  I received updates throughout the day.  The went out in the crisp fall air for a nice walk.  Declan was all wrapped up in his puffy winter coat, hat and mitties and a nice fleecy blanket around his legs.  He loves being outside and the cold doesn't seem to bother him.  His little nose and cheeks were the cutest little rosey colour.

This evening when they were winding down Declan and Daddy watched American Dad together.  It was the first day where Daddy and Declan were alone for so long and the little guy loved it.  He got all of Daddy's attention.  They sure do love each other.

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

9 Months

Some little man woke up a big boy this morning...9 months old.  So happy to have the day off so I could spend the entire day with my Declan. 

We started off with a normal bottle, some toys and then his breakfast.  Oh, and giggles and smiles.  We then moved onto bath time.  I filled the baby bath up as much as I could so Declan could have lots of splashes.  He liked it.  Started playing in the water with his hands right away. When I leaned him back to rinse out his hair he was crazy kicking his legs in the deep water and making big splashes that would go over the wall of the tub.  After his hair and body were all clean he wanted to play with his facecloth so I let him.  He would move it through the water then hang it out the side of the tub, then hold it high in the air, then off the side of the tub again...this kept going on and on, then he slapped me in the face with the cloth and I was soaked.  He's hilarious.  After play was done I pulled the drain in the bottom of his tub so all the water would run out and I could wrap him up in his towel before picking him up....what happened???  Just as nearly all the water had drained out, when there was just a mere inch of water left in the tub he peed.  It's one thing to pee in a large tub of water, it's another to pee in almost no water while sitting in a tub.  Uhhggg.  Still funny though.

After bathtime Declan had some tummy time and then a nap before my friend Kerri and her little boy Clayton come over for a visit.  Clayton is just 1 year old and he's about the same size as Declan.  When they arrived we met them at the door and immediately my little muffin man was all excited.  He likes people and making new friends.  Big smiles and the arms they were a waving.  The two boys sat on the floor together and passed toys back and forth. They were both having a good time but at one point when they were sitting together facing the same way Declan reached out and pushed Clayton backward.  He hit his head on the floor and started crying.  Declan just kept on with his business and was unfazed.  I don't think it was intentional, he didn't even notice what had happened. And surprisingly he didn't cry or get upset at all when Clayton was crying, he just watched him.

After they left I was just getting Declan settled down for his afternoon nap when Hayley texted to see if we'd join her and Owen for a walk and coffee shop visit.  We quickly packed up a diaper bag and got Declan dressed for the weather so we could go out.  Declan simply took that nap he needed in his stroller and he was still sleeping for a bit while we sat with our drinks. Then we headed home since Daddy was back from work.  The rest of the day was play and cuddles.  Then my little prince got sleepy and cranky just before his bed time so he was off to his room and crib and he fell asleep instantly. Loved my day home with him.

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Full Day with Auntie T

This morning was the first whole day that Declan spent with his Auntie T.  Daddy left for work at 6am and Mommy had to leave at 6:30am.  Little Declan was still in bed.  About 7am Declan was out of bed for his special day.

Declan got to have breakfast with his cousins.  Madison on one side and Josh on the other, little Declan sat in his highchair and ate his cereal. Afterward the guy looked sleepy. 

Then Declan joined his cousins for the ride to school.  He was so tired, he fell asleep in the car and Auntie T ended up driving around so the little man could get a nice long morning nap.

Just after 11am Auntie T sends an update: "Ate two bottles so far, his breakfast...every drop. 2 diapers soaked! In clothes now....slept over an hour, talked like crazy!! Played with (Uncle) Scott and is watching 'Little Einstein's' right now. Oh, but he has really bad hat head.

Almost 1pm and the next update: "Had a little fussy bit but that's all.  He ate a jar and a half for lunch....".  My guy has a great appetite.  Perhaps he's hitting his 9 Month growth spurt.  After lunch he was rubbing his eyes as it was time for his afternoon nap but he kept fighting it.  Decided instead to play with his bottle.

Then at about 2:15pm he did take that nap in his bouncy chair.  Nice.  Woke up at 3:35pm when Daddy got in from work.  Success! Little guy was happy and good for his Aunt and his Aunt survived a full day with a 9 months old.

I was so happy to get home just past 6pm which allowed me almost 2 hours of Declan time before he has to go to bed at 8pm (the new after daylight savings bedtime).  Wide awake when we took him to bed and not a peep, no complaints or tears at all.  Right to sleep.

Tomorrow he's a whole 9 months old and I have the day off so I can spend every moment with my prince.

Monday, 5 November 2012

First Day of Daycare

Today was the day. I returned to full-time work and Declan had his first day at daycare.

Up at 5am (just after Daddy), showered, dressed, breakfast made, diaper bag packed. Tyler left for work at 6am and I finished getting everything ready. Declan started babbling in bed just before 6am but I waited until all was ready before getting him up at 6:20am.

I gave hike some bottle first then got him cleaned up quickly and dressed for the day. It was such a whirlwind he was in the car and ready to go by 6:40. We made it to daycare for 6:50am and I hung out with Declan until almost a quarter past 7. He was looking around, he seemed happy and I put him in the excersaucer before leaving. I wished him a good day, gave him kisses then walked to the front door. He was enjoying himself so he didn't even look my way when I said goodbye. No tears.

Just after 8:30am Kelly sent me this text:  He's doing great!!  Smiling, babbling "mama", no tears yet.  Started to rub eyes a little.  

Then at noon she texted me:  He had a good morning nap, 2 bottles and  1 jar of food.  Still babbling and smiling.  A real joy to watch.  I'm very lucky!

Wow. He's such a trooper. I guess he had a good time. I think I missed him more than he missed me.

At 3:45pm Daddy picked Declan up from daycare. He had been outside so he was all bundled up. He smiled soon as he saw Daddy though in his winter clothes Daddy said he looked like a starfish and he couldn't tell if he was excited or not. (At least he was warm).

I was done work at 5:30pm and got home by 6:20pm. Declan was sitting on Daddy's knee and he gave me a big smile soon as he saw me. He cried a little when I had to quickly run to wash my hands and set my stuff down in the other room but then I was back and giving hugs and kisses. Little guy was so cute, he was laughing and babbling. I think he had a good day. So proud of him.

Tomorrow it's Auntie T day!

Sunday, 4 November 2012

Dealing with the Time Change

All over Facebook this morning I saw various posts where Mom's were commenting that their little ones sleep was affected by Daylight savings.  Babies everywhere were getting up at what they thought was the same time as normal but was an hour earlier than normal according to the new time.  My Declan?  He slept until 8am, just like normal.  Weird kid.  How does he do it?  Up at 8am, breakfast about 9am. Nap about 9:45am and up just in time for the three of us to head down to Mapleview Mall for a couple hours.  Of course the car ride got him...little muffin fell asleep about 10 minutes from the mall.  He was staring off into nothingness and then...bam...eyes shut.

We arrived at the mall, got out the stroller, straped him in and we were off.  Now both Mommy and Daddy were long overdue for hair cuts so we stopped at a place in the mall to see if they could take us.  As it turned out they took us both at the same time.  That left little Declan hanging out in his stroller by Daddy watching while his hair was done.  I was down the other side of the place and I could hear him happily babbling and squealing away.  I honestly can't believe our luck that this little man is so well behaved.  It's nuts.

After the hair cuts were done we visited the food court for some lunch and then walked around the mall for a while longer before heading home in perfect time for Declan's afternoon nap.

This evening at home Declan had Vegetable Beef Spagetti for dinner.  There were little pieces of food and even some little pasta pieces in it and he still ate it up, texture and all.  He is getting to be a big boy.  He loved it...but still threw up a bit of it before bed.  I gagged a little.

Then came 6:45pm.  Finally the time change made a difference.  Declan was ready for bed and started fussing just after 6:30pm.  It was so sad.  The last day before I go back to work full-time and I wanted to spend as much time with the little man as possible and he decides he's done for the day.  In PJs and bed at 6:45pm and asleep instantly.

I already miss you.

Saturday, 3 November 2012

Prized Naptime

Little Declan was up at 8am this morning.  He had his bottle right away and then we played with toys for an hour.  Then it was time for cereal and a bit more play before getting cleaned up, dressed and ready to drive to the Church Bazar to visit Grandma Gale.  Perfect timing, Declan was in the car and buckled in for 10am and naptime.  Soon as we hit the road my prince fell fast asleep.  He was asleep for the whole drive to Waterdown and even gave me some time to drive through Tim Horton's for a tea before getting to the Church.  When we parked he woke up and had some more bottle then Declan was in his stroller and we headed in.  We found Grandma right away and joined her and her friend in the lunch area so they could have a little break.  Declan sat on Grandma's knee and simply smiled and looked around at all the people.  Grandma was able to show off her youngest Grandchild to her friends and I think he did a good job of making her proud.  After the lunch break Declan was back to his stroller and we attempted to walk around the bazar but little guy was making some noise to let me know that it was getting awefully close to his lunchtime.  At this point we let Grandma know we'd need to head out but we just drove over to Grandpa's house so he could have his lunch there and visit. 

We were only there for a few minutes when Declan's oldest cousin Nick got home so he was able to get in a good visit with Declan (one where Grandma Gale wasn't hogging all the cuddles so he could actually play with him).  Declan ate some snacks and then played with some toys. 

Then he played with Nick's dogtags before having his lunch. Declan even spent some time on his belly playing with Nick.  Since Nick was right down on the floor with him it kept him intrigued long enough to get in some good Tummy Time.  Declan even lifted his butt up off the floor one time.

Bib on and he ate his meal just on the floor and it was going very well until he bent forward just as I was trying to feed him a on forehead and on arm but missed mouth completely.  So glad he's patient with me. 

Delcan finished up his lunch and had some bottle, got in some more playtime but then as it just passed 1:30pm the little guy started getting restless and grumpy - the signs that nap is needed....and now.  I packed him up, said goodbyes and got him strapped into his car seat.  Then I kept chatting so Declan let out a few loud cries to give me a clear message that nap is required NOW.  So with that I said goodbye again and jumped into the car.  We were off and not two blocks away before Declan was passed out cold.  He was in such a deep sleep that when we got home and Daddy was in the driveway waiting to meet us, Declan didn't wake up.  Daddy had to actually open the door and talk to him to get him to open his eyes.  Then the big car seat, arms over head stretch and then Daddy unbuckled him and picked him up.

The rest of the day was spent in play.  We cleaned up a big container and through in some wooden blocks that Grandma gave him.  Declan loves to dig toys out of containers so this entertained him for hours.  Then Mommy would build a tower of blocks for Declan to knock down...over...and over....again and again.  He would wait patiently for me to use all the blocks and then soon as it was ready he'd reach for it, squint his eyes and knock it down. Who would have thought that this would be so much fun for me too. 

I gave him some more Tummy Time this evening since he was good with it earlier today and he is getting stronger.  He didn't cry and he was reaching forward for toys.  He lifted his butt up three times and even pulled his right knee forward a couple times.  I think we still have a wait before he's going to learn to crawl but it's nice to see that he's making some strides in that direction.

Friday, 2 November 2012

First Tantrum

My monkey displayed actual tantrum behaviour this morning. he was tired and it was time for his nap. he was laying on his back on the floor and he was whining when he then started kicking his legs in full tantrum mode. it lasted mere seconds before I scooped him up to go in his swing for nap time but this better not be a thing with him because we are not going to tolerate little tantrum babies here. (He was so cute when he did it but still bad).

Declan had a bath this evening. He was happily splashing away. So much though that he kept splashing his face and my pants were all wet. Daddy observed from a safe distance. Happy little guy was giggling once we took him out and Daddy tried to dry him off and re-diaper him. Once he was all dry and diapered Daddy was about to carry him around the bed to me so I could put on his baby lotion and Jammie's.  As Tyler walked around the Ed he tripped on the comforter and went stumbling forward but boy did he ever keep a good hold on Declan. Scary. Tyler kept from actually falling and Declan was perfect. Whew!

So then it was my turn to put on Declan's baby lotion. I let him play with his hair brush while I cleaned his ears and put his pajamas on him. Then I got his bedtime bottle ready while he waited on the bed. All set, I it the bottle in my pocket and reached for Declan...what the...."Tyler you have to come here quick...go ahead an pick Declan up". Tyler goes to lift Declan and what does he find...??? Mommy did Declan's pjs up with his hairbrush inside. 
Thank god I'm no Dr.

Thursday, 1 November 2012

Declan's Best Baby Friend

This afternoon Declan and I had some errands we had to run. First place we had to go was the bank so Declan could make a deposit. Well his temporary card had expired so we had to go in and request a proper card for the third time since they never send the proper cards like they say they are going to. Well it took such a log time for them to straighten it all out so my poor little Monkey got tired and figitty while I was holding him. He was tucking his face into my shoulder. Then he started rubbing his face in my sweater which was scratchy, the poor kid was getting pieces of black material all over his face an then a booger. Yup. He rubbed a booger right out of his nose onto his cheek...and another on my shoulder, at the bank.  I had to use his blanket stealth like and wipe both off before anyone saw. It was actually pretty funny but poor kid was just dying for his nap. Finally out if the bank to the car for an unnecessary 1/2 hour drive slog country road so Declan could nap before we went to the grocery store. What a cutie.

This evening after Daddy was home from work we all headed over to visit with Owen and his Mommy and Daddy; Hayley and Jeff. When we first got there the little guys each ate their dinners but then we placed them down together for some playtime. Owen was on his tummy and he was grabbing at Declan's legs. Declan was sitting up and kicking his legs all while laughing loudly. So sweet, this was the first time that playing with another infant without an adult involved resulted in hearty baby laughs. It was so amazing to see him with a genuine little friend. They played together pretty good and for a good time before Owen was scooped up and off to bed.

Declan just hung out and played with some toys. Just a little bit before we were to leave the two Labrador Retrievers; Molly and Winston joined us in the living room. Declan loves dogs (and cats) so he was happy to see them despite their size. Molly went right over and gave Declan a big, flat tongue lick of the forehead. He didn't mind a bit. So the little guy had a bit of bottle, was changed into his pjs for the walk home. He was snuggled in a warm blanket and his hoodie so he fell asleep on the walk home. Then he opened his eyes for mere minutes when we got home but just to see where we were, then he went immediately to sleep when we placed him in his crib. Declan is so easy to be with AND he's cute. How can you not love this kid so much!?!