Tuesday, 31 January 2017

Five Shares

  1. I told Declan that Daddy used to play with toys when he was little too. That he had cars as well. And Declan responded with "yeah...and they were all Black and white."
  2. Yesterday Declan brought home a piece of paper. Seems he was taking a Tally. Must have been an important discussion in breakfast as he took a count of how may people did or don't have toast for breakfast.
  3. Declan asked me to explain how leaves turn colours and fall off and then disappear. I told him he'd learn eventually in science class. "Science class!?! I need that because I'm going to be a scientist!"
  4. Today we learned that Declan played with the new boy in his class. Apparently they talked about how they were going to be friends. No...he does not remember what his name it.
  5. And finally there are toys everywhere. There are HotWheels tracks all over the house. I commented to Daddy "it's crazy that there's toys all over the house." To which he responded "I'm ok with it." Awwwwwww

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