What a wonderful weekend Declan just had. Started when both Mommy and Daddy picked up Declan from school on Friday (and what a dirty mess he was, covered in blue ink on his hands and mud on his pants). We hit he road, on our way to Ottawa. In Coburg we stopped at McDonalds and a very hungry Muffin Man devoured Happy Meal. We got back on the road and 15 minutes later he was sound asleep. We made good time and arrived at Grandma and Grandpa's house at 9:30. The front stoop was all lit up with a big tree which Declan loved. Inside there were big hugs for his Grandparents. It was already well past his bedtime but he'd slept in the car so he stayed up until nearly 11pm visiting and playing with Hot Wheels.
Saturday was the Santa Shuffle 5km walk which Grandma, Aunt Marissa, Alex, Mommy and Daddy all participated in. Even though Declan rode in a wagon the entire route he still got a medal for crossing the finish line. On the ride home Declan was talking with Grandma about Christmas presents and how you wait until Christmas to open them. Declan said there was one present you open on Christmas Eve and that was pajamas. Grandma asked Declan who gave him the pajamas on Christmas Eve to which he replied "Fashion Santa". Hilarious but not accurate it's Grandma who gives pajamas to the entire family each Christmas Eve.
For the afternoon Declan took a little nap with Grandma before Alex and Holden both came over. Declan had been so excited all week waiting to have his cousins to play with and it didn't disappoint. Up late again he had a great day.
On the drive home Declan got in a nice nap and some Nintendo time. He occasionally tried to negotiate opening Christmas presents once we got home but no way we are giving in to that requests. Little man just needs to learn to wait.
This morning we finally woke up to snow and Declan is telling me it's Christmas Eve. It's hard to wait when your 4 1/2.
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