Thursday, 29 December 2016
Christmas Break
Declan and Daddy had the day together and once i got home from work the three of us headed off to Chelseys for Christmas Eve. Poor little monkey had been a little under the weather and it started to catch up with him. He did have some fun playing Charades/Pictionary with everyone for prizes he was pretty tired and could have crashed on my lap any moment. We stayed only about two hours before heading home (both boys fell asleep in the car on the drive home). Declan was so tired when we got home that he asked us to put out Santa's cookies and the reindeer food without him.
6:20am the Muffin Man came into our room very excited and said "I think Santa came!" Daddy went down first to turn on the lights and then came upstairs tiger us both. Declan was thrilled when he came downstairs. Cookies eaten, stocking stuffed and Colour Change Hot Wheels under the tree. He loved it. He wanted all the gifts to be for him but other than needing to show a little patience here and there it was all good. Lots of toys.
Christmas dinner he's the only little kid at the party. He was also a little under the weather. It had really started on Christmas Eve and was catching up with him. He had a fun time with Reed playing Super Mario Brothers but then he tripped, bumped his knee and started crying. The crying led to gagging. It was time to head home.
And with that it's thursday Dec 29th and Declan and I have both barely eaten, barely moved and just can't wait for this illness to pass.
He still kills me though.
We go grab some groceries today and when i pull into the driveway I ask him "Do you want me to let you in the house before Instart bringing in the groceries?" He replies "No I can take one bag. Give me the toilet paper."
He's a classic.
Friday, 23 December 2016
Last Week
What a week! Lots of excitement for the Muffin Man leading up to Christmas break. Wednesday morning was the school Snowflake Bazar. All the kids pick out presents for their family. I was volunteering and had the pleasure of seeing Declan, with the help of his reading buddy Dylan, searching for gifts. He was pretty happy to see me at his school helping out. After school I picked him up and took him off for a quick visit with Santa. He was brave and excitedly talked to Santa about what he wanted for Christmas and showed him that he was wearing a Lego Batman and Robin shirt. Santa said "I'm Batman" and made Declan laugh.
What if Santa IS Batman!?!
On Thursday it was PJ Day once again. All the kids were given a ticket for The Polar Express and then they went to the Gym in their PJs with their stuffed animals (yes Monkey got to go to school again) to watch the movie. Afterward Declan got a bell to place on our tree. He was just exhausted after school with all the activity.
Today is the last day before winter break. Everyone is wearing their Holiday sweaters and school gets out early. Really looking forward to the extra time I'll get with him during the days off school.
Monday, 19 December 2016
This morning we brought the teachers gifts into Declan's school. Presents for Mrs. Ritu, Mrs. Wigood and Mrs. S.
Upon seeing all three gifts ready Declan said "The the gifts are because they're the best teachers!" I just love that this is his view on them.
Declan excitedly carried Mrs. Ritu her gift and stood at her feet with both hands outstretched and presented it to her. He told me this evening that he remembered which gift was for which teacher and he gave them to his teachers first thing. They sat on the carpet and opened the gifts with Declan. He was so pleased to tell me about it. I'm pretty pleased that he got joy from giving.
Today was also a special day in that Declan received a letter in the mail from Santa. He showed it to me just before bedtime so it was followed up with our second reading of The Grinch Who Stole Christmas. I think perhaps tomorrow night Declan and I will watch Frosty the Snowman.
Sunday, 18 December 2016
Saturday evening we visited with The Shortts-aka Chelsey's family. Declan and Chelsey had a great evening running around, playing in rooms they were not supposed to and just being the best of friends. When it was finally bedtime they of course requested they have a proper sleepover and both sleep in Chelsey's room. Under the threat of separating them if they got out of bed even once we granted their wishes. Sneaky little muffins, they stayed awake for another hour just playing super quietly and staying in bed. When they finally crashed we checked in on the little cuties and found they were sleeping side by side. Just the cutest friends.
This morning Daddy was helping Declan get changed out of his pjs and into clean clothes for the day. Declan was super happy and was doing little dances while getting dressed. When he took his underwear down to his feet he then kicked the underwear up into the air and it landed - no exaggeration - right on Daddy's face. It hung there for a moment. Declan asked "Are you laughing even a little?" Daddy pulled the underwear from his face and busted a gut laughing. Declan joined in. Boys will be boys.
It's different with Mommies.
This evening after reading Declan "The Grinch Who Stole Christmas", saying our goodnights and hugs and kisses, Declan asks if I can let Daddy walk out of his room first. Then he asks that I pull the door but not all the way because it's dark. As we leave Declan then says "Mommy" (first just to draw my attention and then) "I will love you forever." Guess he had a good weekend.
Tuesday, 13 December 2016
Super Student
Before heading off to school Monday morning I noticed Declan's size 5 pants looked a little shorter than I'd remembered. Decided to check his height and no surprise the kid is now 3 feet 10 inches tall. He's a giant!
Monday was also Declan's 2nd time being Super Student. He chose "Boo" - his toy ghost from Mario bros as his "What's in the bag" item for the Super Student game. He practiced in the morning how he would describe it for the class "It is white", "It starts with "Go", "it ends with "St" and "rhymes with most". He said the kids guest it and one "even knew it was from Super Mario!"
As a part of the jobs as Super Student you pick someone to walk with you to the Principals Office with the attendance. Declan told us he picked Broden again to walk with him. We asked if anyone's ever picked him and he said no. He told us he always puts up his hand but that nobody ever picks him. Daddy's heart broke. I have to say though that I'm really proud of him for being the kid who keeps putting up his hand to volunteer even after numerous times that he hasn't been chosen. Resilience and persistence. Nice job Declan!
Wednesday night we have decorating our tree on the agenda. You better believe I'm picking him as my helper.
Sunday, 11 December 2016
Eventful Day
We couldn't decorate the tree today because Declan was attending his first Birthday party. It was Chelsey's 5th Birthday and the party was at Zacada Circus School. They had to start with warm ups and Declan was right into it. Once they started with the Circus activities Declan was at the Silks station. The leader helped him wrap him arms in the silks and flip forward and back. Next he clumped up into a silk "cocoon" and spun around in the air. He was smiling but so very cautious. The 2nd station was a long line of trampolines. He bounced slog forward and backward with enthusiasm. This part he really had fun with. The 3rd station was never going to happen. A trapeze about 5 feet off the ground. Nope. Declan was having none of it. He "fake" cried to ensure the leader wouldn't force him. Eventually he held onto the bar with his feet a mere 4 inches off the ground. That was his big accomplishment. Then he rode a mini bicycle about 10 feet because there was time. The final station was a spinning ring. Declan tried the "cry" again but this leader was very good. She got him to 'kind of' do the tricks. He held the ring and then his feet off the ground with her assistance. He spun around maybe a half circle. Finally at the same station they played with Devil Sticks which he loved. When it was all done Declan ran out to me with a big smile and said it was "so cool" and "awesome". Hearing that was fantastic. Declan tried some new things even if he wouldn't try it all I am very proud.
Saturday, 10 December 2016
Home Alone
Of course an almost 5 year old gets a kick out of a kid besting some bad guys.
Friday, 9 December 2016
Texts from Santa
Wednesday, 7 December 2016
Monday, 5 December 2016
In Ottawa
What a wonderful weekend Declan just had. Started when both Mommy and Daddy picked up Declan from school on Friday (and what a dirty mess he was, covered in blue ink on his hands and mud on his pants). We hit he road, on our way to Ottawa. In Coburg we stopped at McDonalds and a very hungry Muffin Man devoured Happy Meal. We got back on the road and 15 minutes later he was sound asleep. We made good time and arrived at Grandma and Grandpa's house at 9:30. The front stoop was all lit up with a big tree which Declan loved. Inside there were big hugs for his Grandparents. It was already well past his bedtime but he'd slept in the car so he stayed up until nearly 11pm visiting and playing with Hot Wheels.
Saturday was the Santa Shuffle 5km walk which Grandma, Aunt Marissa, Alex, Mommy and Daddy all participated in. Even though Declan rode in a wagon the entire route he still got a medal for crossing the finish line. On the ride home Declan was talking with Grandma about Christmas presents and how you wait until Christmas to open them. Declan said there was one present you open on Christmas Eve and that was pajamas. Grandma asked Declan who gave him the pajamas on Christmas Eve to which he replied "Fashion Santa". Hilarious but not accurate it's Grandma who gives pajamas to the entire family each Christmas Eve.
For the afternoon Declan took a little nap with Grandma before Alex and Holden both came over. Declan had been so excited all week waiting to have his cousins to play with and it didn't disappoint. Up late again he had a great day.
On the drive home Declan got in a nice nap and some Nintendo time. He occasionally tried to negotiate opening Christmas presents once we got home but no way we are giving in to that requests. Little man just needs to learn to wait.
This morning we finally woke up to snow and Declan is telling me it's Christmas Eve. It's hard to wait when your 4 1/2.