Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Open House

Yesterday Declan had his first field trip. The class visited Springridge Farm. He had a great time. No issues with the bus ride (except that he had to sit with two girls and he wanted to sit with Veedaant so he wasn't happy about that). At the farm he learned about how pumpkins grown and he brought home a little pumpkin pie pumpkin. Spoiler won't become a pie. There was a puppet show which starred Chickens. Declan told us there was a cowboy chicken in the middle and he said "Cock-a-doodle-doo!!" and "wakes everybody in the world up." Also the chicken puppet asked "why did the chicken cross the road?" I asked Declan "why?" and he said he doesn't remember the answer. He also said they got drunk box treats and he ate his lunch outside. Another memorable part of the day was seeing the animals. Declan's favourite was seeing the bunnies. They were all sleeping and one of them was not snuggled up in its bed but Declan said he was still sleeping and cozy.

Tonight was the Kindergarten Open House. Our chance to visit the class, meet Declan's teachers and have Declan show us around his class. When Inspoke to his teacher I asked if he was giving her any trouble. She said "well, no, not trouble" and that he's "sweet, not hitting other children or anything" but that "he makes poor decisions." The example she shared was from lunch recess today. When the bell rang for the kids to lineup to come inside Declan was off still playing on the teeder/todder. And "for a while" when he was supposed to be lined up. So he's deciding to do things he shouldn't be doing. What they do is then have him sit alone at a table without participating in the class activity for a few minutes. He doesn't like that so she's hoping this will help. Apparently he also winds up the other kids. 
On a positive we started reading Declan's 'reader' book and he follows well, recognized the repetition, could repeat what I said and point out the words. Great start. Have to do this every night. 

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