Thursday, 18 August 2016

Port Elgin

Loooong drive to Port Elgin. Declan played video games on his phone the entire 2 1/2 hours which when you're the only other person in the car makes the drive a lot easier. He was excited to get there. A quick peek of the cottage where Gramma and Poppa were staying and then we headed on down to the beach. Declan said "I told you I didn't need beach toys cuz I'm going in the water!" And with that we got his life jacket on and went in. Lake Huron is NOT a warm lake but he still wanted in. The best part is Port Elgin is a shallow beach with nothing but sand forever. We stayed in the water for about 45 minutes and Poppa had joined us too. Then we took a short break so we could go for a train ride. Declan's first train, just a little family train but a train none-the-less. Run by steam and with a great train whistle that made Declan laugh.

When the train ended Auntie T, Maddy and Josh where there. We made our way  back to the beach for some lunch even though Declan would rather just play and skip food. There were bees around and Gramma had gotten stung when she first got to the beach. After snacks I got Declan's life jacket back on since he wanted back in the lake and just as I was getting ready for the water myself Declan yelled "Nooooooo!!! Noooooo!!!"
I looked down and a bee had its stinger in his middle finger. I reached down and pulled the bee off him but there were so many tears. I remember from my own bee sting how much it hurt. Poor little guy. Luckily he's not allergic so his finger swelled up but nothing else that we had to worry about. Gramma got some cold water for his hand, then Auntie T gave him some ice. After a few minutes I got him to come into the lake (I mean the cold lake would help). Tears went on for some time and he had to tell Poppa, Maddy and Josh for some sympathy. Poppa have him some wet sand to hold to help with his boo boo. Another few minutes passed and then he was laughing and giggling again, jumping in the waves. He even went in Maddy's inflatable boat for a while. 
Off in the distance the sky was getting darker and darker. Decided we needed back to the beach and it was 3pm so we needed to start our loooong drive home anyway. Just enough time to dry off, get dressed, pack up and get back to the car before the skies opened up and the rain just poured down. We sure cut it close!
Another fun beach day in for summer 2016.

Best part of the time in the water near the end of our day....

Declan:  Mommy, I have another poem.

Me: Ok tell me.

Declan: Opened the door, went outside, there's bees in my world. I got stung in the eye, had to call an ambulance, went to the hospital, they got the sting out of my eye, and the bee died.

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