Monday, 29 August 2016
Sneak Attack
Declan loves floating in the lake with me. I sit on a floaty and he's on my lap. Just puttering around a little and we get splashed a bit when the big girls jump off the dock. Today he said he was done and wanted out. As we've been doing we float over to the dock ladder, Declan gets off the floaty and climbs up the ladder first and I follow but today he had alterior motives. When he climbed up the ladder he grasped the giant super soaker gun and fired at me. Close range. Right in my face. He loved it. Even announced that he was a "Bad guy". Leaves me floating away in the lake but laughing my butt off. Any time I got close he fired. That was until Daniella convinced him to turn on Mike, who was also on the dock with a 2nd super soaker and had been firing water at her. A chase on the dock ensued. Kid is pretty happy when he's on the attack.
Saturday, 27 August 2016
Deep Thoughts with Declan
You know what's weird. Guys who ride horses are called Cowboys. It sounds like they're riding cows.
Friday, 26 August 2016
Just Can't Wait
When Daddy got home from work today Declan thought it was time to leave for the cottage. When I told him we are leaving tomorrow morning it finally got to him. He just can't wait any longer and he started to cry. Poor Muffin Man. I picked him up and sat him on the kitchen counter so we could talk. He calmed down a bit and it wasn't long before he said his tears had dried up.
About 30 minutes later and Declan got a FaceTime phone call from Chelsey. Loved watching the two of them giggles and make funny faces at each other. They are going to have a great week.
Thursday, 25 August 2016
Was telling Declan that he would be taller than me one day and maybe even taller than Daddy.
Declan replied and said "But my voice won't change."
"Oh I'm sure it will buddy."
"Why does your voice change?"
"I don't know how to explain but everyone's voice changes when they grow up."
"And then a different language comes out."
Interesting thought. "Well maybe if you decide to learn a new language."
Then we practiced different French greetings which he then practiced with Daddy too.
Who knows, maybe I'd finally learn French if I learn along with the the kid.
Monday, 22 August 2016
When He's a Teenager...
Declan reminded me today that he's going to be an astronaut. He heard Kelly mention swim school and he said "I'm not going to swim school, I'm going to space school!" When she mentioned that they're interviewing people for space now I replied. "He's not going like that, I won't let him go away" to which Declan shouted "You're coming with me!"
To be clear, I'm not going to space.
I also learned about another of my sons ambitions. This morning he told me that when he's a teenager he's going to play basketball. Maybe that's why he was asking me last week what dribbling meant.
Saturday, 20 August 2016
Such a Ladies Man
I was leaving for work today when Daddy told Declan to come say goodbye. Declan came over and gave me a big hug. Then, just as he was about to turn away from me he says "I forgot to do something." I paused and Declan leaned in and gave me a kiss on the cheek.
He's good.
This evening running errands, we parked the car, got out and Declan noticed a Harley Davidson.
Declan: When I grow up I'm going to have one of those. Then I'll get a girl to ride on it and she can come to my house.
Me: Oh really? And then what?
Declan: We will go inside and I'll play. I can get my stuffies down and she can come to my room and she can play too.
Seriously, he's good.
Thursday, 18 August 2016
Old Soul
I was stuck in traffic for hours coming home from Niagara today. Should have been home before 6pm and due to the highway being closed I didn't get home until nearly 8pm. When I got home Daddy told me Declan was expecting me to go give him a kiss when I got home.
I crept into his room to find him tucked in and fast asleep. I leaned in and gave him a kiss. Then just as I was about to leave his room he moved, opened his eyes and saw me. I walked back over...
Me: Did you notice me kiss you on your cheek?
Declan: No, I didn't
Me: Ok, well here's another anyway. (Have him a kiss and hug)
Declan: Why was there an accident and you couldn't get home?
Me: I don't know. Sure took me a long time but I'm home now.
Declan: I'm just glad you're home.
He just kills me.
Port Elgin
Loooong drive to Port Elgin. Declan played video games on his phone the entire 2 1/2 hours which when you're the only other person in the car makes the drive a lot easier. He was excited to get there. A quick peek of the cottage where Gramma and Poppa were staying and then we headed on down to the beach. Declan said "I told you I didn't need beach toys cuz I'm going in the water!" And with that we got his life jacket on and went in. Lake Huron is NOT a warm lake but he still wanted in. The best part is Port Elgin is a shallow beach with nothing but sand forever. We stayed in the water for about 45 minutes and Poppa had joined us too. Then we took a short break so we could go for a train ride. Declan's first train, just a little family train but a train none-the-less. Run by steam and with a great train whistle that made Declan laugh.
When the train ended Auntie T, Maddy and Josh where there. We made our way back to the beach for some lunch even though Declan would rather just play and skip food. There were bees around and Gramma had gotten stung when she first got to the beach. After snacks I got Declan's life jacket back on since he wanted back in the lake and just as I was getting ready for the water myself Declan yelled "Nooooooo!!! Noooooo!!!"
I looked down and a bee had its stinger in his middle finger. I reached down and pulled the bee off him but there were so many tears. I remember from my own bee sting how much it hurt. Poor little guy. Luckily he's not allergic so his finger swelled up but nothing else that we had to worry about. Gramma got some cold water for his hand, then Auntie T gave him some ice. After a few minutes I got him to come into the lake (I mean the cold lake would help). Tears went on for some time and he had to tell Poppa, Maddy and Josh for some sympathy. Poppa have him some wet sand to hold to help with his boo boo. Another few minutes passed and then he was laughing and giggling again, jumping in the waves. He even went in Maddy's inflatable boat for a while.
Off in the distance the sky was getting darker and darker. Decided we needed back to the beach and it was 3pm so we needed to start our loooong drive home anyway. Just enough time to dry off, get dressed, pack up and get back to the car before the skies opened up and the rain just poured down. We sure cut it close!
Another fun beach day in for summer 2016.
Best part of the time in the water near the end of our day....
Declan: Mommy, I have another poem.
Me: Ok tell me.
Declan: Opened the door, went outside, there's bees in my world. I got stung in the eye, had to call an ambulance, went to the hospital, they got the sting out of my eye, and the bee died.
Tuesday, 16 August 2016
Yesterday Declan announced that once again at Kelly's he tried peaches and this time he liked them. Daddy said "That's not what Kelly said."
I got excited "Declan I love peaches. We can share some yummy Niagara peaches sometime."
Fast forward to today when I picked up some Niagara peaches from the grocery store. Tried one this afternoon and it was perfect. When Declan got home Daddy told him I'd picked up some peaches.
Declan: "I don't think I like peaches."
And that's how it goes.
Sunday, 14 August 2016
While Mommy was Away
I was gone to London for my girls weekend leaving my boys home alone. It's sweet and good bonding time for them. They always seem a tighter when they've had time away from me. I learned that on Saturday while Declan was playing with some toys the big red Tornado warning came up on the TV. The alert is so loud Declan leapt from his toys and ran to Daddy for protection. They sat together while Daddy tried to teach Declan what a Tornado is and that there wasn't anything for him to be concerned about. He asked about it a few more times needing a little comfort after being startled.
Learned today that they'd made plans for Declan to steal my spot in bed while I was away. The boys discussed it earlier in the day and when bedtime rolled around Daddy through habit started walking to Declan's room. "You're going the wrong way!" Declan corrected him as he was excited to sleep in the big bed for the night. He was awake and playing for just over an hour but was out cold when Daddy finally made his way to bed. Boys weekend.
Friday, 12 August 2016
Swimming in the Rain
Sweet first time. Declan and I spent a couple hours in Auntie T's pool today. Declan in his life jacket of course, bouncing in the water. At 3 foot 8 inches the shallow end is no problem but he's still nervous in the water and I prefer the floating version. While we were in the pool it started raining hard, no thunder or lightning just a hard rain. It was great. First time Declan was swimming in the rain (something I love to do) and in his little bucket hat he didn't even get the rain in his face.
Love that I got to share that moment with him.
Wednesday, 10 August 2016
Construction Vehicles
One of the main roads by our house has undergone repaving recently. For two weeks the road was all chopped up and bumpy. Every day we drove down this road on our way to Kelly's Declan would ask about what they were doing and why it was so bumpy.
Yesterday morning they started laying down the new asphalt and the entire length of the street was lined with dump trucks or other construction vehicles.
"Declan, look. They're putting the new road down."
"Ooooooo. There's so many construction vehicles. Do you want to know what I know of construction vehicles?"
"Ok. So the dump truck has lots of dirt in it and it dumps it in a hole and then you cover it up. The steam roller makes the road all sticky. Does it make it sticky?"
"Well it makes the road nice and flat and yes it can be sticky."
"Ok so the steam roller makes it sticky. Then there's the road cleaning truck with the brushes."
"The road sweeper."
"Ya. A road sweeper. It brushes up the road so it can be made new."
"Sure. Ok."
"And there's a Crane. The crane moves big heavy things like pipes."
"That's right."
"On Peppa Pig Mr. Bull can move pipes without a crane."
Tuesday, 9 August 2016
His Poem
It's been a couple weeks now that Declan has requested his bedtime stories be a few poems from his book: Where the Sidewalk Ends. This evening after some poems and after Daddy and then I said our goodnight to Declan he wanted to tell me his poem. Now I don't have it word for word but essentially this as it:
"My belly button is not all the way in, it's kind of out. It's there and then it came out, out and it went up on the ceiling and then it made all my toys alive."
Love this kid. The jury's out on the poem.
Friday, 5 August 2016
Brave Big Step
Day trip!
Joined Chelsey, Abi, Sophia and Auntie Daniella at the Beach in Port Stanley for the day. Soon as we got to the beach Declan wanted sunscreen (burn the kid once...) and he was ready to get in the sand. Told him I wanted to put his swim trunks on and he said he wasn't going in the water.
I made him out them in anyway.
He got to playing in the sand right away but it was such a hot day. I had to get in the water even just my feet to cool off a little. Declan wanted to see what it was like too but just his feet.
The response when I suggested he come in further.
Slowly I managed to coax him out. Promised I'd hold onto him. Wrapped around my waist he enjoyed the warm waves splashing his feet and legs. I got a few scratches on my shoulders but worth it to get him brave enough to let me get him down standing in the water. The waves were big though so I had to lift him up often so he wouldn't get knocked over and under.
Got out briefly to have a snack and then he wanted back in. This time I made him wear his life jacket (make my job easier). He was scared I'd let him go because he had it on but soon he realized how great it was and there were a ton of laughs while we played in the waves.
We even went back in the water for a third time before a rain cloud ended our four hours at the beach. I'm so excited he had so much fun. He didn't want to get out and he peed in the water. Yup. Take that Lake Erie.
Thursday, 4 August 2016
From the Mouth of a Four Year Old
They say things that make you say "Awwww" and then they say things that make you say "ahhhhhh".
I reached over and ran my fingers through Declan's hair. "Your hairs so soft buddy."
"Like Chelsey."
"Chelsey has soft hair?"
"When I lean in and put my head on her, her hair is soft."
Told Declan I just needed a minute to put my bra on.
"Why do you like to wear bras?"
"It's not so much like, I just need one."
"I like bras."
"You do?"
"And why is that?"
"I just think they look cool."
Wednesday, 3 August 2016
Ready to Listen
When getting ready for our day this morning, at some point, Declan handed me his phone and I put it in my bag and took it to work. When I realized I gave Daddy the heads up right away because Declan would normally want to play some games at some point between his getting home and my getting home. On the drive home from Kelly's Daddy told Declan that I'd accidentally brought it with me to work. Declan's reply was "I bet Mommys at work saying 'Ooooops'."
It was kind of like that.
This evening Declan wanted me to play with him in his room. While I was waiting for him upstairs Daddy told him to pick out the toys he wanted to bring to bed since he'd be having his bath soon so no need to be going back downstairs later. Declan just wasn't listening and I could hear there was some discussing going on downstairs. Next Declan was making his way up the stairs yelling back to Daddy saying "Don't tell Mommy! Don't tell Mommy that! Daddy don't tell Mommy!" I was sitting on the floor in his room waiting for him and he's still yelling down to Daddy 'not to tell me' when he walks in, stops, looks at me and then turns around and runs downstairs saying "Ok, I'm ready to listen now Daddy, I'm ready to listen now." Funny little character.
Tuesday, 2 August 2016
Music Man
Almost forgot to share Declan's excitement from this past Saturday. Daddy put a little portable stereo in Declan's room so he could play his own music. He said he'd like to listen to music when he falls asleep. We are ok with Naptime music but not for bedtime just yet.
And what is Declan hoping to play on his machine? He'd like the Beatles.
Great taste little man.
Monday, 1 August 2016
Camping Weekend
Relaxing vacation weekend will have to become a frequent summer activity.
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