Thursday, 14 July 2016

Toy Up the Nose

These are Micro Mini's.

Declan has Robin and Batman.

You can take them apart and swap out the pieces to make new versions of the Superheros.

Last night when Declan went to bed he chose Batman and Robin as his bedtime toys. After 1/2 hour in bed I hear him coming down the stairs so I go to meet him halfway. Declan looked at me with heartbreaking fear on his face. "There's a toy stuck in my nose. Robin's head is in my nose and won't come out." At that moment I called for Daddy to come help, told Declan not to touch his nose. Daddy brought a Kleenex and got Declan to try blowing hoping it might not be too stuck and come out with a little force. No luck. Quickly grabbed his health card, reminded him to not touch it and Daddy made sure he knew he couldn't sniff. Poor Declan was crying from the pain while we headed to the car. On the drive to the hospital Declan was biting his knuckle to help with the pain while we tried to hold it together. As he was checked in there was some assurance as the nurse told us that her daughter twice was at the hospital with objects stuck in her nose. After getting all checked in we moved to the proper waiting room where after about five minutes Declan coughed and Robin's head flew out. Such a relief. Declan instantly felt better. Still needed to wait around for the Doctor so we could be assured he didn't cause any trauma. After the normal hospital wait the Doctor did just that and lucky kid hasn't caused any damage. Whew!

Also really glad he told us right away and didn't try to hide it. 

Glad the kids ok. Not a fun evening.

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