Sunday, 13 March 2016

Got His Way

Daddy and Declan were comparing arm hair. I guess it's a "boy" thing. They were discussing how they are the same but also different. Declan commented on all of Daddy's freckles. So Daddy said "You have freckles too."

"No I don't."

"Yes you do. Not as many as me but you do, look."

Declan looked at his own freckles and back at Daddy's. Then he calls Daddy "Freckles" and walks away.

Mid-day we went to a movie so Declan's cousin Maddy came to watch him. He was pretty excited to hang out with her. On our way home from the movie I remembered the numerous times Declan has asked this week and even this morning to go outside and play with bubbles. Each time I've told him "not until it's warm enough for shorts." So I remember this and look at Tyler and say "I bet they're in the backyard playing bubbles. He's clever like that."
We get home, walk inside and see this happy little four year old through the glass of the back door. They played with chalk and bubbles.

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